News & Analysis as of

Land Developers Canada Land Owners

Bennett Jones LLP

The Alberta Government Proposes to Change the Cost of Registering a Mortgage

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There is a potentially expensive fee change on the horizon here in Alberta that may catch lenders and borrowers with large and/or multi-jurisdictional credit facilities unaware.This change will affect mortgages (collateral or...more

Bennett Jones LLP

Be Careful what you Agree to: Municipal and Planning Agreement Enforceability and the Potential for Perpetual Impacts on...

Bennett Jones LLP on

When are agreements entered into as part of the land use planning approval process an extension of that process, and therefore changeable through a future process, and when are they more akin to commercial contracts that will...more

Bennett Jones LLP

Don't Let Caveats Mislead You: The Importance of Complying with Limitation Periods in Property Claims

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In the realm of property law, caveats serve as a powerful tool for protecting interests in real estate. By registering a caveat on land titles, individuals or entities can assert a claim or encumbrance against a property,...more

Bennett Jones LLP

Can your Neighbour Expropriate your Land? (A Consideration of Remedies for Trespass)

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"This Court accepts that it is very harsh for an owner of land to be forcibly compelled to sell land that they have no desire or wish to sell—this amounts to a private expropriation. This Court also accepts that it is very...more

Bennett Jones LLP

Qualex-Landmark: Redwater Scope and Environmental Priority in Alberta

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This week’s highly anticipated decision of the Alberta Court of Appeal in Qualex-Landmark Towers Inc v 12-10 Capital Corp, 2024 ABCA 115 [Qualex] limits the application of Orphan Well Association v Grant Thornton Ltd, 2019...more

Bennett Jones LLP

Land Leases for Renewable Energy Projects in Alberta - Update, November 2023

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In 2016, the Province of Alberta passed the Renewable Electricity Act, cementing its commitment to increasing the amount of green energy produced in Alberta, with a goal of 30 percent of Alberta's electricity coming from...more

Bennett Jones LLP

Proposed Amendments Aim to Protect Purchasers of New Homes In Ontario

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The Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery has proposed amendments to the New Home Construction Licensing Act, 2017 (Licensing Act). If passed, these amendments will increase fines for developers and builders who...more

Bennett Jones LLP

Supreme Court of Canada Clarifies Law In de facto Expropriation Cases

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Government Advantage and Reasonable Land Use - A majority of the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) recently clarified that any public “advantage” that government obtains through land regulations that deprives a property owner...more

Bennett Jones LLP

B.C. Extends Land Owner Transparency Registry Filing Deadline for Pre-Existing Owners

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On November 2, 2021, the B.C. government extended the Land Owner Transparency Registry filing deadline for pre-existing owners from November 30, 2021, to November 30, 2022. ...more

Bennett Jones LLP

B.C. Expands Property Transfer Tax Exemption for Residential Property Purchases

Bennett Jones LLP on

On May 3, 2021, by Order in Council No. 277, the Government of British Columbia amended the Property Transfer Tax Regulation, B.C. Reg 74/88. This amendment relates to the application of the additional property transfer tax...more

American Conference Institute (ACI)

[Virtual Event] Contaminated Sites Liability & Litigation Risk - April 22nd, 8:30 am - 5:30 pm EDT

The Canadian Institute’s advanced conference on Contaminated Sites Liability & Litigation Risk takes a deep dive into the most critical challenges affecting land developers, real estate and legal professionals, and...more

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