Project Catalyst: An Economic Development Podcast | Episode 13: Economic Development in Rural Alabama with Valerie Gray and Lori Huguley of VaLor Strategies
Balado continuité – Environnement : nouveautés du régime d’autorisation québécois
Rapid Transit Zones in Miami-Dade County
Real Estate Developer Rights When Cities Demand Too Much
[WEBINAR] Planning in the Coastal Zone
Homebuilder Series Webinar: Joint Ventures Solutions, Steve Lear
The Koontz Decision: Limits Conditions a Government can Impose on Developers
Supreme Court Hands Landowners a Major Victory - Nossaman's Brad Kuhn
California Commercial Real Estate Forecast - Industrial & Multifamily Remain the Bright Spot in the Winter 2013 Allen Matkins/UCLA Anderson Survey Results
California Commercial Real Estate Forecast - Allen Matkins/UCLA Anderson Winter 2013 Survey Reveals Dip in Developer Sentiment
California Commercial Real Estate Forecast - Allen Matkins/UCLA Anderson Survey Results Reveal Tension Between Developer Sentiment & Action
Many currently unregulated commercial, industrial, and institutional properties in Eastern Massachusetts may soon require stormwater upgrades in order to meet the new rigorous Clean Water Act (CWA) stormwater discharge...more
Land use compatibility in the planning context is achieved where industrial and other major facilities can coexist with sensitive land uses to contribute to healthy, livable and sustainable communities. The statutory and...more
The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) has authorized a three-year $27.5 million environmental and engineering study to investigate the replacement of existing High-Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes...more
We are pleased to provide you with this issue of Bracewell's Texas Environmental Update, offering the latest news about permitting, enforcement, regulatory developments, and other matters of interest to the regulated...more