News & Analysis as of

Land Use Restrictions Public Use

Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP

What to Do When Facing a Government Taking: FAQs on Colorado Eminent Domain

You received a notice of intent or an offer to acquire your property from the government or a private company seeking to take your property. You probably have a lot of questions. Read on for answers to common questions and...more

Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck

An Overview of Santa Barbara County’s Agricultural Enterprise Ordinance

The County of Santa Barbara’s proposed Agricultural Enterprise Ordinance would expand the range of activities on farms and ranches (all unincorporated lands zoned AG-II), and allow incidental food service at wine tasting...more

Perkins Coie

2020 Land Use and Development Case Summaries

Perkins Coie on

Below are summaries of the key California and Ninth Circuit land use and development cases decided in 2020. Each case name is linked to our more extensive discussion of the case on the Land Use & Development Law Report. 1....more


Newsflash: Rockweed Not a Fish

Verrill on

In this episode of Verrill Voices, environmental attorneys Gordon Smith and Scott Anderson discuss how private property rights could save the world, or at least the coast of Maine, when the fate of ecologically vital rockweed...more


Maine Supreme Court Decides Seaweed Is a Plant, Not a Fish

Verrill on

After deliberating for a year and a half in Ross v. Acadian Seaplants, the Maine Supreme Judicial Court has unanimously held that rockweed, a type of seaweed that grows on rocks in the intertidal area all over the North...more

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