The Presumption of Innocence Podcast: Episode 41 - The Dynamics of Decision-Making: Psychology and the Criminal Justice System
Podcast - Uncovering the FTC's Criminal Liaison Efforts
INTERPOL and Child Kidnapping Cases. What are INTERPOL’s Abilities and Limitations?
How can a private individual report to INTERPOL?
How can law enforcement officials access and use the INTERPOL notice system?
The Justice Insiders Podcast: The DOJ Wants You! - Part II: Voluntary Disclosures
Gary Kalman on Corruption and Compliance Programs
Book Discussion with Brittany Barnett, Author of A Knock at Midnight, and Tanya Eiserer (WFAA-TV)
Compliance Perspectives: Ethics and Policing in the UK
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot on Policing Reform
The ABCs of Employee Theft [More With McGlinchey Ep. 7]
Nota Bene Episode 90: U.S. Q3 Check In: Stimulus, Relief, Election, and Direction with Elizabeth Frazee and Jonathan Meyer
[WEBINAR] Exploring the CPRA’s Investigatory Privilege
Devil in the Details: Gilbert King on Truth and Transparency in the Judicial Process
Is Your Health Care Facility Prepared for an Active Shooter?
What if I am pulled over and suspected of driving under the influence?
How the Rise in Undercover Investigations is Changing the Law
A Moment of Simple Justice - Undercover Lover
A Moment of Simple Justice - Death by Cop
A Moment of Simple Justice - Ferguson & the Media
On August 9, 2024, the Fifth Circuit issued its decision in United States v. Smith, No. 23-60321, broadly holding: “that the use of geofence warrants … is unconstitutional under the Fourth Amendment.” This categorical holding...more
Privacy issues are inherent in almost all facets of a business — from operations, employment, and technology to customer service, contracts, legal and compliance — all with varying degrees of risk. Most companies mitigate...more
The HIPAA privacy rules (45 CFR § 164.501 et seq.) generally prohibit healthcare providers and their business associates from disclosing protected health information in response to subpoenas and other government demands...more
What’s in a name? If it’s in a warrant and you’re in the Eleventh Circuit, enough to arrest and jail you for three days even if you don’t match the description of the wanted person, the warrant was issued 26 years earlier...more
In United States v. Purcell, the Second Circuit (Lynch, Pooler, and Park) considered the conviction of defendant Lavellous Purcell on five counts all arising out of his operation of a prostitution business. On appeal,...more
On Wednesday, Florida’s Fourth District Court of Appeal affirmed a lower court decision excluding video evidence that Florida prosecutors sought to use in their case against hundreds of men who allegedly patronized the...more
Unlimited law enforcement application of facial recognition software to surveillance footage is an unreasonable search and a violation of Constitutional rights for people in a peaceful crowd. An officer should need to...more
Over a year following enactment of the U.S. “Clarifying Lawful Overseas Use of Data” or CLOUD Act, significant questions remain unanswered about the law and its potential impact on global investigations involving cloud stored...more
• Illinois expanded the Police and Community Relations Improvement Act (PCRIA) to add special procedures for officers involved in incidents where their firearm is discharged causing injury or death to an individual. • New...more
In our previous installment, we looked at the issues related to Carpenter. That discussion can be found here. Another case involving the Stored Communications Act may also come before the U.S Supreme Court in the...more
The City of Lompoc is considering a drone ordinance following a citizen complaining about a camera-equipped drone invading his privacy . He indicated that, despite three calls to the police department, he was told nothing...more
Unmanned flight isn’t new, nor is aerial photography. Hobbyists have been rigging cameras to model airplanes since long before the word “drone” became commonplace. What’s new is the proliferation of massproduced, inexpensive...more
The U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary held a hearing to discuss reforms to the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (“ECPA”) proposed in Senate bill S. 356, The Electronic Communications Privacy Act Amendments Act of...more
Government Employees and Officials Should Heed Limits of the Statute’s Protections - The anti-SLAPP process can be successfully deployed by government entities, officials and employees in fending off lawsuits brought...more
Amid controversy over the bill and its potential consequences, Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed AB 1327 this Sunday. The bill would have required law enforcement agencies to obtain a warrant before using a drone to gather criminal...more