News & Analysis as of

Life Sciences Medicaid Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)


It’s Raining Regs: CMS Releases Major Laboratory-Developed Test Reg in Midst of Massive Reg Storm

McDermott+ on

Over the last several weeks, the Biden administration has released numerous final regulations in order to “beat the clock” before it ticks down to the Congressional Review Act (CRA) deadline. The CRA authorizes Congress to...more


A Look Ahead in Life Sciences: What We Are Tracking in Q3 2023 and Beyond

Goodwin on

As the life sciences industry continues to expand and grow increasingly complex, so does its legal, regulatory, and compliance landscape. To help companies and investors navigate the many evolving and emerging laws and...more

Fenwick & West Life Sciences Group

A Complex Regulatory Landscape Emerges for Telemedicine

Every year, Rock Health surveys the digital health landscape, noting the changing trends related to adoption by providers, patients and payers of these innovative new technologies....more

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