News & Analysis as of

Life Sciences Proposed Rules Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)


It’s Raining Regs: CMS Releases Major Laboratory-Developed Test Reg in Midst of Massive Reg Storm

McDermott+ on

Over the last several weeks, the Biden administration has released numerous final regulations in order to “beat the clock” before it ticks down to the Congressional Review Act (CRA) deadline. The CRA authorizes Congress to...more

Hogan Lovells

A bit more Sunshine: CMS proposes collecting additional information on manufacturer payments under the Open Payments program

Hogan Lovells on

Device and drug manufacturers got a small surprise in the annual Physician Fee Schedule proposed rule (at 40,713-16) issued late in July by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) – among many other things, the...more

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