Law Firm ILN-telligence Podcast | Episode 92: Ron Davis | Fogler Rubinoff
JONES DAY TALKS®: Class Actions Worldview Guide: Part 1–The United States and European Union
Policyholders vs. Insurers: 3 Arguments to Make When Selecting Defense Counsel & Hourly Rates
State AG Pulse | Money, Money, Money: Where does it go and why?
Preparing for Litigation in the U.S.
Jones Day Talks: Women in IP: The Supreme Court's "Copyright Day"
CorpCast Episode 2: Advancement 101
How This Investment Firm Hopes to Revolutionize Litigation in America
So, you think you can sue. Maybe you had a contract, and the other side breached it. Or maybe someone owes you money, and you’re ready to go after them. Not so fast. Starting a lawsuit is a big step, and there are many...more
This is a common question, and it is necessary to fully understand the costs and fees that will be deducted from your award as you consider a potential settlement or are reviewing a judgement by a Judge of Compensation. The...more
In Walid c. Compagnie Nationale Royal Air Maroc, 2024 QCCS 2674, the Superior Court of Quebec refused to approve a settlement agreement because Class Counsel’s fees were unreasonable and excessive, even though the settlement...more
We’ve written frequently on ways that parties can recover their costs of suit — particularly deposition-related costs — at the conclusion of civil litigation. Costs related to deposition transcripts used at trial, deposition...more
Contracts with “prevailing party” provisions offer the tantalizing, coveted prospect of the winner recovering attorneys’ fees from the loser in legal disputes over the contract’s enforcement....more
Last week’s Privilege Point described two cases finding that successful plaintiffs had waived work product protection covering their invoices and other attorney’s fees billing documents because they sought attorney’s fees as...more
Most states have an offer of judgment provision, and many of them are patterned after Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 68. Unlike Fed. R. Civ. P. 68, some states allow either party—not just the defendant—to make an offer of...more
On May 30, 2024, the Supreme Court of New Jersey issued its decision in Boyle v. Huff, holding that an indemnification clause cannot apply to first-party claims unless the parties include specific language expanding the...more
On Tuesday, in Lehmann v. WFV Holdings, LLC, Record No. 0201-23-2 (Ct. App. Va. May 14, 2024), available here, the Court of Appeals of Virginia reversed a decision from the Circuit Court of Amelia County, holding that because...more
Under a common-law doctrine successful litigants love to hate – the “American Rule” – a party to litigation cannot recover its legal fees unless a contract, statute, or court rule expressly authorizes fee-shifting to the...more
US District Judge Engelmayer, from the Southern District of New York, put on a bit of a clinic last week when ruling on an attorney fee application in J.G. v. New York City Department of Education. The plaintiff’s law firm...more
A federal court in Connecticut reduced attorneys’ fees and costs sought by a sales representative after the court raised concerns about several issues with the sales representative’s trial strategy. Trade Links, LLC v. Bi-Qem...more
Judge Jacqueline P. Cox recently found that three Illinois attorneys violated their ethical obligations by failing to return their client’s phone calls. She thus ordered the attorneys to return half of their...more
On October 18, Judge Rebecca Beach Smith of the Eastern District of Virginia approved a $70 million settlement in an antitrust case, with more than $23.3 million awarded to the plaintiffs’ attorneys. This case helpfully...more
As total adjudication is a lofty finish line for many mass and class disputes, settlement is a crucial factor. As class actions continue to rise in prominence in the UK, the United States offers many lessons to emulate and...more
This case addresses whether attorney’s fees are warranted due to an inequitable conduct and conflict of interest defense. Background - UCANN filed suit in the District of Colorado in July 2018, accusing Pure Hemp of...more
On October 10, 2023, Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law Assembly Bill (AB) No. 933. The new law provides further protection to individuals who are victims of sexual offenses and are sued under state defamation law....more
What is the difference between a traditional trademark and trade dress protection? Traditional Trademarks - According to the USPTO - A trademark can be any word, phrase, symbol, design, or a combination of these things...more
Judge Krupp, sitting in the Massachusetts Business Litigation Session, awarded a defendant more than $240,000 in attorneys’ fees, expenses, and interest under G.L. c. 231, § 6F, the Massachusetts statute authorizing fee...more
In this episode, Eric Jesse explains ways to prevent your insurer from taking a one-size-fits-all approach to its defense obligations, from asserting your right to select your own counsel to challenging its definition of...more
On June 1, 2023, the new European Unified Patent Court (UPC) will open its doors, and enforcement of European patents in (currently) 17 contract member states will be possible with one action. This series of articles –...more
On May 24, 2023, Governor DeSantis approved Florida Senate Bill No. 540. The bill, which will go into effect on July 1, 2023, provides that the prevailing party in a challenge to a comprehensive plan amendment is entitled to...more
In North Carolina, a loan agreement can require a borrower to pay attorneys' fees upon default to reimburse the lender for collection expenses....more
Last week we saw the Menard court reject the use of an indemnity clause to shift fees in a dispute between contracting parties. This week, a very recent decision from Nevada highlights another creative way to shift fees where...more
We recently addressed the Idaho Supreme Court’s decision in 616 Inc. v. Mae Properties, LLC, No. 49190 (Feb. 8, 2023), and specifically the essential elements of a lease. The decision also includes an important appellate...more