Targeting Safetyism in Defense Voir Dire | Episode 71
The Presumption of Innocence Podcast: Episode 49 - Perspectives From the Bench: Anatomy of a Criminal Trial With Retired Judge Margaret Foti
JONES DAY TALKS®: Detecting and Addressing Prosecutorial Misconduct: An Overview for Defense Lawyers
Podcast - Are Real Trials Just Like the Movies?
Podcast - Borrowing and the Art of Trial Advocacy
6 Things To Consider Before Litigation
Defending HIMP-1 Claims in New York
Trial Advocacy in the Modern World
This Extraordinary Process Called "Trials"
Storytelling in Closing Arguments
Mastering Legal Writing: Elevate Your Written Advocacy – Speaking of Litigation Video Podcast
In Closing Arguments, Don't Forget to Ask
Using Innovative Technology to Advance Trial Strategies | Episode 70
Getting Rid of Clutter in the Closing Argument
Leyes y Leyendas: 7 Juicios que cambiaron la historia
Podcast - The Basic Rules for Closing Argument
Closing Arguments: Focus and Organization
Closing Argument: Opportunity and Challenge
How to Make Clear, Quick and Effective Objections
More on Cross-Examination: Building a Case Brick by Brick
It has become more commonplace to hear talk about a future of litigation without peremptory strikes. After all, Arizona in 2022 was the first state to eliminate strikes in all cases, and it may not be the last. California and...more
Jury selection in California is undergoing significant change. In August 2020, the California legislature passed AB 3070, which was signed by Governor Gavin Newsome on September 30. Beginning in 2022, objections to peremptory...more
We tend to think of “bias” as it applies to juries, but courts can have their own deep-seated practices. For example, judges will often prefer voir dire questions that focus on the juror’s own assessment of the influence of a...more
Okay, my title is purposefully provocative, but it is not an exaggeration. Based on a recently released, first-of-its-kind, comprehensive study on the effectiveness of voir dire following common practices in civil trials...more
The trial consulting field seems to fly mostly under the radar. As a part of the attorney’s confidential work product, our role in conducting research, preparing witnesses, and helping to advise on jury selection is not...more
How do you spot a racist? Or, to be more on point, in a legal case about racial discrimination, or another case where racial biases would matter to the assessment of the case, the parties, or the witnesses, how do you...more
It is unacceptable for someone to be the wrong color or the wrong ethnicity to serve on a jury. In modern times, the law says race-based exclusions can’t happen. But the practical reality in the courtroom, particularly some...more