Targeting Safetyism in Defense Voir Dire | Episode 71
The Presumption of Innocence Podcast: Episode 49 - Perspectives From the Bench: Anatomy of a Criminal Trial With Retired Judge Margaret Foti
JONES DAY TALKS®: Detecting and Addressing Prosecutorial Misconduct: An Overview for Defense Lawyers
Podcast - Are Real Trials Just Like the Movies?
Podcast - Borrowing and the Art of Trial Advocacy
6 Things To Consider Before Litigation
Defending HIMP-1 Claims in New York
Trial Advocacy in the Modern World
This Extraordinary Process Called "Trials"
Storytelling in Closing Arguments
Mastering Legal Writing: Elevate Your Written Advocacy – Speaking of Litigation Video Podcast
In Closing Arguments, Don't Forget to Ask
Using Innovative Technology to Advance Trial Strategies | Episode 70
Getting Rid of Clutter in the Closing Argument
Leyes y Leyendas: 7 Juicios que cambiaron la historia
Podcast - The Basic Rules for Closing Argument
Closing Arguments: Focus and Organization
Closing Argument: Opportunity and Challenge
How to Make Clear, Quick and Effective Objections
More on Cross-Examination: Building a Case Brick by Brick
Preferences are a common issue in bankruptcy proceedings. The Bankruptcy Code provides several affirmative defenses to assist creditors in mitigating or eliminating their preference exposure. One such affirmative defense is...more
Debtors in non-U.S. bankruptcy or restructuring proceedings commonly seek to shield their U.S. assets from creditor collection efforts by seeking "recognition" of those proceedings in the United States in a case under chapter...more
Editor’s Note: Hat tip to the Creditors Rights Coalition for reaching out after last week’s blog to inform yours truly that the “judge shopping” concerns of creditor advocates extend beyond just the S.D. of Texas, and that a...more
What can you do to collect on a judgment, and when can you do it? And does it matter if you're going after the judgment debtor directly, or after the property of the judgment debtor in the hands of a third party? In a...more
It seems to be a common misunderstanding, even among lawyers who are not bankruptcy lawyers, that litigation in federal bankruptcy court consists largely or even exclusively of disputes about the avoidance of transactions as...more
In a typical consumer bankruptcy, a debtor seeks the benefit of two concepts. First, the debtor seeks the breathing room afforded that debtor by the automatic stay. Second, the debtor seeks to discharge all debt obligations...more
With the expectation that bankruptcy filings will increase over the next few months, this might be a good time to revisit the documents filed with a bankruptcy filing and the information they provide. The focus today is on...more
Many believe the concept of litigation is antithetical to a sound bankruptcy practice. When I pitch "bankruptcy litigation" to corporate and litigation departments, eye rolls often abound. What do I know? What am I talking...more
As COVID-19 washes over the United States, the way law is practiced has, at least temporarily, changed—and negotiation strategies must adapt as well. For potential and pending litigation, now is a good time for parties to...more
Nothing is more frustrating to a trade creditor saddled with a large unpaid balance owed by a debtor in bankruptcy than being subject to the risk of having to remit back to the debtor’s estate “preference” payments received...more
Despite political and economic uncertainties, markets and deal activity were resilient in 2019, and strong fundamentals remain in place heading into 2020. Companies continue to face a challenging litigation and enforcement...more
Receiverships are an extraordinary remedy that can maximize the return to creditors by freezing assets and allowing a third party to conduct necessary litigation. John Gardner (Raleigh) and David Neu (Seattle) join host...more
Preference Claims: Elements: A preference is a transfer of property of a bankruptcy debtor that (1) was to or for the benefit of a creditor; (2) was on account of an antecedent debt; (3) was made while the debtor was...more
In the hectic world of North Carolina civil litigation, the focused practitioner understandably may lose sight of the forest for the individual trees. Analyzing thousands of pages of poorly-copied document production for that...more
We often quip that the best way to establish a winning record as an appellate lawyer is to represent the party that won below; that’s no joke. In nearly every appellate court— state or federal— appellants have an uphill...more