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LLC Agreements Operating Agreements Limited Liability Company (LLC)


A practical guide to Series LLC

Kennedys on

Whether you are struggling with your current company structure that does not separate assets and liabilities between your different lines of business, or have multiple companies to do this for you, the Series LLC can offer...more

Morris James LLP

Chancery Finds Amendment to LLC Agreement Invalid for Want of Manager’s Involvement

Morris James LLP on

DiDonato v. Campus Eye Management, LLC, C.A. No. 2023-0671-LWW (Del. Ch. Jan. 31, 2024) - In governance disputes among LLC constituencies, the operating agreement is the beginning and often end point. This action involved...more

Farrell Fritz, P.C.

LLC Forced Buy-Out Pits Fair Value Against Fair Market Value Against Power to Amend Operating Agreement

Farrell Fritz, P.C. on

Let’s see how good you are at predicting the outcome and its rationale in a recently decided case involving the following facts: The controller of a Delaware LLC has supermajority voting rights under the initial LLC...more

Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP

Avoiding the Pitfalls of Assigning an Interest in an LLC

One of the goals in a business divorce is finality – ending a business relationship once and for all. But what if the end isn’t really the end?...more

Morris James LLP

Court of Chancery Harmonizes Operating Agreement Governance Provisions To Resolve LLC Control Dispute

Morris James LLP on

Pearl City Elevator, Inc. v. Gieseke, C.A. No. 2020-0419-JRS (Del. Ch. Mar. 23, 2021) - Under Delaware law, limited liability company agreements are interpreted like other contracts; they are read as a whole in light of...more

Morris James LLP

Chancery Finds Implied-in-Fact LLC Agreement

Morris James LLP on

Robinson v. Darbeau, C.A. No: 2019-0853-KSJM (Del. Ch. Mar. 1, 2021) - As Robinson v. Darbeau demonstrates, Delaware law recognizes implied limited liability company agreements. Plaintiff operated a daycare as a sole...more

Farrell Fritz, P.C.

Episode 021: Member Liquidity, Default Rules, and the Corporate-ization of LLCs: A Conversation with Dean Donald J. Weidner

Farrell Fritz, P.C. on

This episode features a lively interview with Donald J. Weidner, Dean Emeritus of the Florida State University College of Law and one of the leading authorities in the country on partnerships and LLCs. Don’s latest article,...more

Morris James LLP

Chancery Finds Unauthorized Transfer of LLC Interest Void and Denies Transferee Inspection Rights

Morris James LLP on

Absalom Absalom Trust v. Saint Gervais LLC, C.A. No. 2018-0452-TMR (Del. Ch. June 27, 2019). Plaintiff was assigned a membership interest in the defendant, a Delaware limited liability company, and sought to exercise books...more

Morris James LLP

Self-Dealing Conduct Supporting Fiduciary-Duty Claims Was Covered by Contractual Duties Imposed in the LLC Agreement

Morris James LLP on

The Delaware Limited Liability Company Act’s policy is to give the maximum effect to the principle of freedom of contract in LLC operating agreements. The act permits parties to eliminate common-law fiduciary duties, and...more

Jaburg Wilk

How Do I Get Out of this Practice?

Jaburg Wilk on

For years the goal of many young doctors was to gain ownership in their medical practice entity. For many, when the time came for them to “make partner,” they signed on the dotted line without fully understanding the legal...more

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