Video: Things to Remember in Q1 when Preparing 2024 Federal Lobbying Disclosure Act (LDA) Reports
How Law Firms and Lobbyists Can Work Together: A Look Into Lobbyists’ Role Among State AGs - Regulatory Oversight Podcast
[Podcast] The LD-203 Contribution Report: Content, Context, and Compliance
A Different Kind of Advocacy | Amy & Steve Bresnen | Texas Appellate Law Podcast
Staying Compliant: Ensure that your Company is Prepared to Comply with the Lobbying Disclosure Act
The Federal Gift Rules Assistant: What You Need to Know and Why
H.R. 1 – How will the Lobbying Disclosure Act be Affected?
Lifting the Fog Over Lobbying Compliance
Rice: Banking Lobby Won't Let New Glass-Steagall Bill Pass
Now that the 2024 election has passed, individuals and organizations must be mindful of special legal issues that arise from contributions made to, and expenses incurred for, federal, state or local inaugural or transition...more