News & Analysis as of

Medical License

Foley & Lardner LLP

Understanding the Legal Pitfalls of Virtual Second Opinions: What You Need to Know

Foley & Lardner LLP on

Virtual medical second opinion (VSO) programs continue to roll out across the country, delivering expert recommendations to better help patients’ diagnoses or treatment options. These VSO programs can offer immense value to...more

Husch Blackwell LLP

Massachusetts BORIM Sets Parameters for New Licensing Pathway

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On January 6, 2025, the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine (BORIM) published its first update on the recent Massachusetts law creating a new licensing pathway for internationally trained and licensed physicians....more

Husch Blackwell LLP

Mass Leads Act Creates New Pathway for Licensure of Internationally Trained Physicians

Husch Blackwell LLP on

On November 20, 2024, Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey signed the Mass Leads Act, an expansive economic development bill, into law. Section 226 of the act amends MGL c. 112 §9 to create a new pathway towards full medical...more

Maynard Nexsen

6 Things to Know About Certified Medical Assistants Under South Carolina Law

Maynard Nexsen on

In 2022, the South Carolina General Assembly enacted Act No. 171, which made several changes to the landscape surrounding delegation of medical tasks to unlicensed medical personnel and medical assistants. The new law defined...more

Smith Anderson

North Carolina Medical Board Links Physician Supervision to Corporate Practice of Medicine and Reiterates Concerns Regarding...

Smith Anderson on

On August 30, 2024, the North Carolina Medical Board (the “Board”) published online guidance titled, "Lessons from NCMB’s Disciplinary Committee: Are you aiding the unlicensed practice of medicine?” (the “Guidance”). The...more

Greenbaum, Rowe, Smith & Davis LLP

NJ Appellate Division Upholds BME Suspension of Doctor’s License

A recently decided case, In the Matter of the License of Pemberton, M.D., is an example of the deference New Jersey courts give to decisions made by the New Jersey State Board of Medical Examiners. On June 10, 2024, the New...more

Ward and Smith, P.A.

Navigating the National Practitioner Data Bank: A Guide for Healthcare Professionals (NPDB or Data Bank).

Ward and Smith, P.A. on

Few aspects of the healthcare regulatory apparatus evoke more confusion and dread for healthcare practitioners than the National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB or Data Bank).  Being reported to the Data Bank is often regarded...more

McCarter & English, LLP

New Jersey Statutory Update Part I

Every year, the New Jersey legislature passes statutes that impact healthcare beyond rate increases under the Medicaid program. Last year was no different, and the discussion below highlights some of those statutes, such as...more

Vicente LLP

Colorado's Draft Natural Medicine Rules: Full Breakdown & Commentary

Vicente LLP on

Nearly fifteen months after Colorado voters approved the Natural Medicine Health Act, the public got its first glimpse of draft rules that will govern the regulated psychedelics program created by the Act. In February’s...more

Kerr Russell

Consider These Five Compliance Questions In Your Medical Practice

Kerr Russell on

There are several risks which physicians may encounter if they fail to comply with applicable laws and regulations, including disciplinary action against their medical license, post-payment audit and recoupment,...more

Vicente LLP

Colorado Natural Medicine Advisory Bulletin #4: September 2023

Vicente LLP on

Coming into the sixth month of work, Colorado’s regulated natural medicine program is starting to take shape. Answers to big-picture questions – such as what the scope of practice for a licensed facilitator is, and whether...more

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP

Ohio Expands Protections for Impaired Physicians and Other Providers

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP on

Tucked away in the recent Ohio Budget Bill, House Bill 33, were statutory changes that expand and modernize the statutes related to physicians and other health care professionals licensed by the State Medical Board of Ohio...more

Seyfarth Shaw LLP

Texas Lawmakers Enact New Laws Reforming Texas Medical Board Disciplinary Authority and Increasing Hospital Reporting Obligations

Seyfarth Shaw LLP on

On June 13, 2023, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed a major new patient safety bill into law that is intended both to reform the disciplinary authority of the Texas Medical Board (TMB) and to better protect patients from...more

Oberheiden P.C.

Ten Things You Should Do NOW if Your Medical License is at Risk

Oberheiden P.C. on

As a doctor or other licensed medical professional, the prospect of losing your license to practice medicine can be overwhelming. But, to protect your license—and your career—to the fullest extent possible, you need to act...more

Warner Norcross + Judd

The Cannabis Regulatory Agency Significantly Expands the Scope of Allowed Transfers Between Equivalent Licenses

Warner Norcross + Judd on

The Michigan Cannabis Regulatory Agency (CRA) recently issued an advisory bulletin which may create a significant licensing cost savings for grower and/or processor licensees holding both medical and adult-use licenses....more

Venable LLP

Developments in Interstate Telehealth Licensing

Venable LLP on

As states roll back emergency provisions that allowed out-of-state providers to offer telehealth services during the COVID 19 pandemic, more permanent changes in interstate telehealth are under way. In April 2022, the...more

Oberheiden P.C.

Medical Board Investigations: What Doctors Need to Know in 2023

Oberheiden P.C. on

As a licensed physician, facing a medical board investigation could mean that your career is on the line. Even though you spent years in medical school and in residency, and even though you may have spent decades honing your...more

Butler Snow LLP

Mississippi State Board of Medical Licensure and Mississippi Board of Pharmacy Issue Joint Statement Concerning Ambulatory Surgery...

Butler Snow LLP on

What Happened The Mississippi State Board of Medical Licensure (MSBML) and Mississippi Board of Pharmacy (MBP) recently issued an important joint statement regarding the procurement of controlled substances by healthcare...more

Ward and Smith, P.A.

Responding to an Investigation of the North Carolina Medical Board

Ward and Smith, P.A. on

There are few things as critical to a physician as his or her medical license. The North Carolina Medical Board ("Board") is mandated by the legislature to regulate the practice of medicine for the benefit and protection...more

Mintz - Health Care Viewpoints

Connecticut Joins the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact and the Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact

Effective October 1, 2022, Connecticut adopted the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact (IMLC) and the Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact (PSYPACT). As of the date of this post, Connecticut joins 38 other states who have...more

Oberheiden P.C.

5 Keys to Effective Texas Medical Board Investigation Defense

Oberheiden P.C. on

As a licensed physician in Texas, facing a Texas Medical Board (TMB) investigation can present significant risks. Depending on the allegations underlying the investigation, your medical license could be in jeopardy—and you...more

Holland & Hart - Health Law Blog

Telehealth in Idaho: Regulations Withdrawn

As part of Governor Little’s initiative to reduce nonessential regulations, Idaho licensing boards (including the Idaho Board of Medicine) have withdrawn their rules implementing the Idaho Telehealth Access Act for healthcare...more

Robinson+Cole Health Law Diagnosis

Massachusetts DPH Issues Two Orders To Ensure Continued Availability of Health Care Provider Workforce

To ensure the continued availability of health care workers, on November 12, 2021, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) issued Order 2021-13 (COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Order No. 2021-13), extending...more


Florida Joins List of States Requiring Licensure for Genetic Counselors

Goodwin on

Many allied health professionals are subject to state-level licensing requirements that can vary from jurisdiction-to-jurisdiction. What may be required in New York to hold a medical professional license may differ...more

Fisher Phillips

A New Frontier? How President Biden’s Recent Executive Order May Affect Healthcare Providers

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Earlier this summer, President Biden signed the much-anticipated “Executive Order on Promoting Competition in the American Economy.” The Order includes 72 initiatives, spanning a plethora of topics from over-the-counter...more

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