On January 6, 2025, the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine (BORIM) published its first update on the recent Massachusetts law creating a new licensing pathway for internationally trained and licensed physicians....more
On June 13, 2023, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed a major new patient safety bill into law that is intended both to reform the disciplinary authority of the Texas Medical Board (TMB) and to better protect patients from...more
As part of Governor Little’s initiative to reduce nonessential regulations, Idaho licensing boards (including the Idaho Board of Medicine) have withdrawn their rules implementing the Idaho Telehealth Access Act for healthcare...more
As of January 1, 2020, when a patient (or their representative) submits a written allegation of sexual abuse or sexual misconduct to a health care entity, that entity must report the allegation to the appropriate state...more
After breaking for Washington’s Birthday, the General Assembly began its all-out sprint to Crossover Day today with both chambers finishing their work before lunch only to reconvene in a flurry of committee meetings. ...more
The bills cited and reviewed in this Report are not an exhaustive presentation of all healthcare legislation. Rather, they represent either proposed or adopted legislation that we believe are among the most beneficial,...more
West Virginia Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin (D) signed into law, on March 24, 2016, a new bill (House Bill No. 4463) implementing a variety of telemedicine practice standards and remote prescribing rules in the Mountain State....more
New Legislation - Effective on February 4, 2016, sports team physicians visiting Pennsylvania with their teams from outside the state will now be permitted to treat their players in Pennsylvania without fear of...more