Hospice Insights Podcast - Meet the New Laws, Same as the Old Laws: Overpayment Recoupment Update
Podcast — Drug Pricing: How the Demise of Chevron Deference and Other Litigation May Impact the Pharmaceutical Industry
A Fond Farewell: Musings on the End of the Medicare Advantage Hospice Carve-In Demonstration
Counsel That Cares - The Private Payer's Perspective on Value-Based Care
Business Better Podcast Episode: 2024 Advance Notice: Proposed Changes to the Medicare Advantage Risk Adjustment Model
Video: Record-Shattering Year for FCA Recoveries in Health Care - Thought Leaders in Health Law
Hooper, Kearney and Macklin on Cutting Edge Topics in the False Claims Act
Hospice Audit Series: The Latest Developments and Strategies for Success in the Ever-changing Audit Landscape
Podcast: IP(DC): Drug Prices, Political Pressures & Patents
Although I previously declared January 2024 Medicare Advantage (MA) Month, this week has also been filled with news about the MA program. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released the final rate announcement...more
Last Sunday, Congress released the text of a minibus package, which will likely be signed into law by tomorrow. While the bill’s primary purpose is to keep the government open, it also includes healthcare extenders through...more
CONGRESS - House Republicans Still Unable to Elect New Speaker. As of publication of this newsletter, the House has held three roll call votes this week to elect a new speaker, with Rep. Jordan (R-OH) failing all three...more
The House and Senate were both in session this week, with significant healthcare activity at the committee level. The House Ways & Means Committee met to discuss healthcare price transparency, and the Ways & Means Health...more
This Week: Leading Up to the SCOTUS King v. Burwell Decision... House Votes to Repeal the Medical Device Tax... CMS Announces It Will Bolster Transitional Reinsurance Payments... MedPAC Releases June Report to Congress....more