News & Analysis as of

Medicare Advantage Risk Adjustment Formula Physicians

American Conference Institute (ACI)

[Event] 15th Annual Advanced Forum on Managed Care Disputes and Litigation - May 2nd - 3rd, Chicago, IL

ACI’s Advanced Forum on Managed Care Disputes and Litigation offers an unparalleled learning experience, specifically designed for the MCO legal community. Attend and develop winning legal strategies and business best...more

McDermott Will & Emery

Top Takeaways | Risk-Adjustment Roulette: Strategies for Navigating the Shifting Landscape

McDermott Will & Emery on

McDermott Will & Emery Partner Ankur Goel moderated a panel during the Value-Based Care Symposium that focused on the risk-adjustment landscape and provided insights into how the regulatory environment and contractual...more

Wiley Rein LLP

[Webinar] Adjusting the Risk for Medicare Advantage: Recent Enforcement Trends and Litigation Involving Medicare Advantage Risk...

Wiley Rein LLP on

The Department of Justice (DOJ) continues to concentrate on risk adjustment programs of payers with Medicare Advantage Organizations (MAO) as a prime enforcement target. One particular area of focus, both civilly and...more

Arnall Golden Gregory LLP

A Second Judge Gives United Health A Partial FCA Victory Based On Materiality

On February 12, 2018, a second judge in the Central District of California, Judge Michael W. Fitzgerald, dismissed, with leave to amend by February 26, 2018, counts in a False Claims Act (FCA) case alleging that UnitedHealth...more

Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick, LLP

Client Alert: Feds Shine a Light on Medicare Advantage Plans and Physicians Related to Risk Adjustment Practices

Although the sufficiency of medical records documentation supporting beneficiary diagnoses for Medicare Advantage (MA) risk adjustment has been on the OIG’s work plan since 2013, the Department of Justice has upped the ante...more

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