News & Analysis as of

Mesothelioma Workplace Injury

Hissey, Mulderig & Friend, PLLC

How is Mesothelioma Diagnosed?: A Step-By-Step Guide

Workers whose jobs involved exposure to asbestos – including boilermakers, boiler workers, carpenters, factory workers, laborers, pipe coverers, and pipefitters – may be in danger of developing mesothelioma, asbestos lung...more

Goldberg Segalla

Defendant’s Motion for Summary Judgment under Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act Granted

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Court: United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana - Plaintiff Frank P. Ragusa Jr. filed an asbestos-related lawsuit in Civil District Court for the Parish of Orleans alleging he was exposed to...more

Ruder Ware

Attempted End Run Around Wisconsin’s Exclusive Remedy of Worker’s Compensation Fails in Asbestos Litigation in the Seventh Circuit

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Wisconsin’s exclusive remedy of worker’s compensation has long been a bulwark against civil suits brought by employees (subject to a few narrow exceptions not applicable here). This bulwark has survived a creative attack in...more

K&L Gates LLP

Coverage Options for Employee Asbestos Claims

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Over the past year, courts in Illinois and Pennsylvania have dramatically altered the ability of an employee to bring claims against past and present employers for asbestos-related injuries. Traditionally, employees were...more

Morgan Lewis

Pennsylvania Supreme Court Rules on Workers’ Compensation Act Case

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Court finds in Tooey that Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act does not bar latent occupational disease lawsuits against employers. On November 22, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court in Tooey et al. v. AK Steel Corp. et...more

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