News & Analysis as of

Middle East Oil & Gas Lebanon

Flaster Greenberg PC

Can Natural Gas Help Prevent an Israel-Lebanon War?

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One wild card of the Middle East equation has been Hezbollah, the Iranian-inspired Shiite terror group /political party in Lebanon. Considered the most fully armed non-state actor in the world, Hezbollah possesses an arsenal...more

Flaster Greenberg PC

Marcellus Shale Update: Will Natural Gas Isolate Turkey and Integrate Israel in the Eastern Mediterranean?

Flaster Greenberg PC on

For generations, the area around the eastern Mediterranean Sea has been filled with turmoil. From the Arab-Israeli conflict to the divided island of Cyprus and the general animus between Greece and Turkey, the region’s...more

Flaster Greenberg PC

The Middle East Convulses, But Thanks To Shale America Hardly Notices

Flaster Greenberg PC on

The Middle East turned on its axis last week. Thanks in large part to the shale revolution, few Americans heard about it – and most did not care who did. Originally published on November 5, 2019....more

King & Spalding

Lebanon’s First Steps In The Oil And Gas Industry

King & Spalding on

Lebanon is the latest country to join the race for oil and gas exploration in the Eastern Mediterranean region. The significant natural gas fields discovered over the past decade in the Levant and Cyprus basins have sparked...more

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