News & Analysis as of

Middle East Regulatory Agenda Investors

White & Case LLP

Sukuk markets keep close eye on standards review

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The sukuk market is keeping a close watch on a proposed set of Sharia guidelines that could significantly change how sukuk instruments are structured and distributed - The Bahrain-based Accounting and Auditing Organization...more

White & Case LLP

Eastern promise: The M&A pipeline between APAC and the Middle East is primed for growth

White & Case LLP on

Trade and investment between the Middle East and Asia-Pacific (APAC) regions is booming, underpinned by restored bilateral relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran—brokered by China—and renewed economic growth potential. The...more

KPMG Board Leadership Center (BLC)

Midyear observations on the board agenda - Based on insights from the 2024 Board Leadership Conference

Approaching midyear, business leaders are bullish on growth and the opportunities ahead. At the same time, the macro forces of GenAI, climate change, a multipolar geopolitical landscape and the erosion of trust and healthy...more

A&O Shearman

Is more regulation the best route to deliver Net Zero?

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How to accelerate the transition to a sustainable economy is a hot regulatory topic for most major economies around the world – and is set to continue ascending the agenda in the years to come. As sustainability-related...more

A&O Shearman

10 lessons in sustainability regulation

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Creating an effective regulatory framework will be critical to deliver Net Zero. But does that mean more – or less – regulation? From trade agreements to taxonomies, carbon adjustment mechanisms to corporate sustainability...more

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