The American Land Title Association (ALTA) is considering approval of a new Energy Project Endorsement for owner's and loan policies at its spring session. The endorsement (proposed as the ALTA 36.9) Energy Project – Minerals...more
On 19 July 2024, the European Union (EU) and the Republic of Serbia (“Serbia”) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (“MoU”) creating a strategic partnership on sustainable raw materials, battery value chains and electric...more
The UK Supreme Court’s landmark judgment in R (on the application of Finch on behalf of the Weald Action Group) v Surrey County Council and others (“Finch”) was handed down on 20 June 2024. Since then, more recent...more
The road to decarbonisation - From the copper belts of Zambia and the lithium and cobalt deposits in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) to the manganese mines in Gabon, the African continent holds much of the promise...more
Depending on the state, post-production costs are either deducted “at the wellhead” or when the product has been placed in “marketable condition.” In Louisiana, the minerals are not owned by the landowner, but that person...more
California has passed Senate Bill 1137, which will prohibit drilling of new oil and gas wells and reworking of existing wells in certain areas. Here is SB 1137 in legislativese (analysis comes first, then the text)...more
Welcome to The On-Ramp, the newsletter published by Venable's Autonomous and Connected Mobility team. The On-Ramp explores legal and policy developments in the world of autonomous vehicles, smart infrastructure, and emerging...more
PPC Acquisition Co., LLC, et al. v. Delaware Basin Res., LLC, et al. addressed retained acreage clauses in three separate oil and gas leases covering the same 640-acre tract in Reeves County, Texas....more
In a precurser of disputes sure to come, in Lyle v. Midway Solar, LLC, a Texas court of appeals delivered a win for solar energy by applying the accommodation doctrine in favor of a solar developer’s actual use of the surface...more
With the plunge in commodity prices many formerly profitable wells are now in the red, and we don’t know for how long. This is causing non-operators to question the bona fides of the operations … and of the operator, and to...more
With a recent executive order, California is the first state in the nation to commit to ending the sale of fossil fuel–powered vehicles. The order also directs the expedited regulation and closure of oil extraction and...more
White House directs agencies to relax enforcement - Los Angeles Times – September 9 - A memorandum produced by the White House Office of Management and Budget and sent to federal agency heads last week instructs them to...more
San Miguel Electric Coop is a Texas nonprofit electric cooperative that owns and operates a power plant that supplies electricity to 38 Texas counties. After a four-week absence, they return to these pages, this time in DCP...more
We are pleased to introduce the second edition of our Energy & Infrastructure Insight, providing information and analysis of current issues and projects across the globe. In this edition, we offer insights into the...more
Release of updated IRP imminent, says Radebe, as he allays coal producers' fears - Energy Minister Jeff Radebe has promised that the update of the Integrated Resource Plan (IRP), which reflects the government’s policy...more