News & Analysis as of

Ministry of Finance

Awatif Mohammad Shoqi Advocates & Legal...

The 2025 E-Invoicing Rollout in the UAE

The UAE government has taken steps to move towards a fully digitized tax system by adopting E-Invoices. The E-invoicing process will be mandatory for all business to business (B2B) and business to government (B2G)...more

Holland & Knight LLP

Proyecto de decreto busca modificar el ecosistema de pagos de bajo valor en Colombia

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El Ministerio de Hacienda y Crédito Público de la República de Colombia, a través de la Unidad de Regulación Financiera, publicó un proyecto de decreto con el cual se busca implementar una normativa para fortalecer la...more

Holland & Knight LLP

Se modifican transacciones de los establecimientos de crédito con sus vinculados en Colombia

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El Ministerio de Hacienda y Crédito Público de Colombia, a través de la Unidad de Regulación Financiera, el 8 de noviembre de 2024, expidió el Decreto 1358 de 2024 con el objetivo de definir los criterios para determinar la...more

Carey Olsen

Cayman Islands corporate and finance update Q2 2024

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Our corporate team outline the latest developments within the corporate and finance market in Cayman including the amendments to the Beneficial Ownership Regime, winding up Cayman segregated portfolio companies, proposed...more

Holland & Knight LLP

Taxonomía Sostenible de México, sistema de clasificación y guía de actividades sostenibles

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La Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público el 16 de marzo de 2023, publicó la primera edición del reporte de Taxonomía Sostenible de México (la taxonomía). La taxonomía no constituye un documento regulatorio con carácter...more

Barnea Jaffa Lande & Co.

Tax innovations in Israel during 2024

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Over the past year, alongside handling the economic repercussions of the war and issuing financial assistance to war victims and to evacuees, the courts, the legislative authority and the Israel Tax Authority continued their...more

Freeman Law

Propuesta de Reglamentación para Fideicomisos Extranjeros Análisis de la Sección 643(i) del IRC

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El 8 de mayo de 2024, la Secretaría de Hacienda de los Estados Unidos (“Treasury Department”) dio a conocer propuestas de reglamentos que abordan la clasificación, tributación y requisitos de información para fideicomisos...more

Stikeman Elliott LLP

Ontario Consultation on Regulating Life & Health Managing General Agents Launched

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On July 26, 2024, the Ontario Ministry of Finance launched a consultation on proposed amendments to the Insurance Act that would create a regulatory framework for life and health managing general agents (L&H MGAs) and those...more

Latham & Watkins LLP

China’s Ministry of Finance Publishes Corporate Sustainability Disclosure Standards

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The Standards provide a framework for all Chinese companies’ sustainability disclosures and the applicability extends beyond listed companies. On May 27, 2024, China’s Ministry of Finance published the new Corporate...more

Morrison & Foerster LLP

Top 10 International Anti-Corruption Developments for May 2024

Designed for busy in-house counsel, compliance professionals, and anti-corruption lawyers, this newsletter summarizes some of the most important international anti-corruption law and enforcement developments from the past...more

Holland & Knight LLP

Reducen tarifas de retención y autorretención para el sector minero e hidrocarburos en Colombia

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El Gobierno Nacional de Colombia modificó mediante el Decreto 0242 de 2024 las tarifas de retención y autorretención aplicables a las empresas del sector minero y de hidrocarburos. Estas modificaciones fueron realizadas con...more

Holland & Knight LLP

¿Qué pasará con el uso de los recursos comprometidos a través de vigencias futuras en Colombia?

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Recientemente se presentó un debate en torno al Decreto de Liquidación del Presupuesto General de la Nación de Colombia aprobado por el Congreso de la República que fue expedido por el Gobierno Nacional en cabeza del...more

Hogan Lovells

Hong Kong audit regulator reaches landmark agreement over mainland audit papers

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Hong Kong’s audit regulator, the Accounting and Financial Reporting Council (AFRC) says it has reached a landmark agreement to help it obtain audit working papers of Public Interest Entity (PIE) auditors located on the PRC...more

White & Case LLP

Reforms to Financial Laws in Administrative Procedure

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On January 24, 2024, the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit published in the Federal Gazette the "Decree amending, adding, and repealing various provisions of financial laws in matters of administrative procedure" (the...more

Dechert LLP

2024: Une nouvelle année d’élargissement du contrôle des investissements étrangers en France

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Le 28 décembre 2023, un décret et un arrêté ministériel ont une nouvelle fois élargi à plusieurs égards le régime français de contrôle des investissements étrangers (IEF). Comme cela était attendu, le seuil d’acquisition...more

Dechert LLP

2024: A New Year of Extended Foreign Investment Screening in France

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On 28 December 2023, a decree and a ministerial order was issued that extends the French foreign direct investment (“FDI”) regime once again on various fronts. As expected, the threshold of voting rights acquired by...more

Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP

China Lays Out New Scheme for Green Electricity Certificate

On August 3, 2023, China’s National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), the Ministry of Finance (MoF), and the National Energy Administration (NEA) jointly issued the “Notice on Full Coverage of Renewable Energy Green...more

Jones Day

Getting Compensation After a Bank Bailout: Lessons From a Decade of SNS Litigation

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In Short: The Situation: After the nationalization of the Dutch SNS banking and insurance group, the Dutch Minister of Finance offered zero compensation to expropriated bondholders....more

Morgan Lewis

UPDATE: Russia Develops Mechanism to Release Blocked Foreign Investments

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The Russian Ministry of Finance recently announced the development of a mechanism for releasing blocked foreign investments and exchanging them for Russian assets blocked abroad. If approved, the initial stage will apply to...more

Hogan Lovells

UAE Corporate Income Tax

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The new corporate tax regime introduced by the UAE Ministry of Finance will apply for fiscal years starting on or after 1 June 2023. In this article, we explain the key provisions of the new regime, how to comply with the...more

Morrison & Foerster LLP

Share Deals: Geplante Änderungen im Hinblick auf die Grunderwerbsteuer

Das Bundesministerium für Finanzen (BMF) hat einen Diskussionsentwurf für ein Gesetz zur Novellierung des Grunderwerbsteuergesetzes erarbeitet. Besondere Bedeutung erhält dieser Entwurf für Share-Deal-Konstellationen. Einer...more

Morrison & Foerster LLP

Share Deals: Planned Changes with Respect to Real Estate Transfer Tax

The German Federal Ministry of Finance has published a discussion draft regarding the amendment of the real estate transfer tax (“discussion draft”), which is especially important with respect to share deals. One of the main...more

Hogan Lovells

Aclarado: La cuota previa a la bonificación en Patrimonio reduce la cuota del Impuesto a las Grandes Fortunas

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El Impuesto de Solidaridad de las Grandes Fortunas nació con el objetivo de armonizar las asimetrías que habían surgido entre comunidades autónomas en el Impuesto sobre el Patrimonio debido a las bonificaciones aprobadas por...more

McDermott Will & Emery

Update Future Financing Act – Focus on Employee Participation in Germany

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On 12 April 2023, the Federal Ministry of Finance and the Federal Ministry of Justice published the draft bill for a law on the financing of future-proof investments (Zukunftsfinanzierungsgesetz – “ZuFinG-E“). The draft...more

Morrison & Foerster LLP

First Draft of German Implementation of Global Minimum Taxation Published

The German Federal Ministry of Finance circulated a first discussion draft of the implementation of the OECD-Guidelines for global minimum taxation, after the European Union therefore had published a Directive (Directive (EU)...more

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