News & Analysis as of

Minority Shareholders Corporate Governance Fiduciary Duty

Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP

In re Oracle Corporation Derivative Litigation: Delaware Supreme Court Affirms Chancery Court Decision Not to Impose Fiduciary...

On January 21, 2025, the Delaware Supreme Court affirmed the Court of Chancery’s decision in In re Oracle Corp. Derivative Lit., finding that a less than 50% stockholder does not owe fiduciary duties absent evidence of either...more

Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP

The Delaware Legislature Proposes Sweeping Amendments to the DGCL

On February 17, 2025, a bipartisan group of legislators seeking to “promote clarity and balance in Delaware’s corporate law” introduced Senate Bill 21 (the “Bill”) to amend the Delaware General Corporation Law (“DGCL”). If...more

Lathrop GPM

Significant Amendments Proposed to the DGCL to Stem Business Defections to Other States

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Proposed amendments to the Delaware General Corporation Law (DGCL) introduce safe harbors for liability from transactions involving directors, officers and controlling stockholders and define and limit a stockholder’s right...more

Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP

Delaware Supreme Court Holds Business Judgment Governs Decision to Reincorporate Outside of Delaware For Purpose of Reducing...

In Maffei v. Palkon, No. 125, 2024, 2025 Del. LEXIS 51 (Del. Feb. 4, 2025) (Valihura, J.), the Delaware Supreme Court held that a corporation’s decision to reincorporate in another state purportedly to reduce exposure to...more

Perkins Coie

When Is a Minority Stockholder a Controller? The Delaware Supreme Court Reaffirms the Ground Rules in In Re Oracle Derivative...

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Controlling stockholders owe fiduciary duties to other stockholders that minority stockholders do not. A holder of over 50% of a corporation’s voting power is clearly a controlling stockholder. As a consequence, transactions...more

A&O Shearman

Delaware Court Of Chancery Finds That Controller Sale Of Company Did Not Harm Minority Interests

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On January 7, 2025, Vice Chancellor Sam Glasscock III of the Delaware Court of Chancery issued a post-trial decision in favor of defendant, a private equity fund (the “Fund”), finding that the Fund’s sale of a portfolio...more

Farrell Fritz, P.C.

Can a Shareholder Be Oppressed After Ceding Control? Oppression, Reasonable Expectations, and Contractual Formalism

Farrell Fritz, P.C. on

One of the first business divorce cases that I participated in as a young litigator was a lengthy arbitration over whether a minority shareholder was oppressed under BCL 1104-a.  With those fond memories, evolution of the...more

Venable LLP

Fiduciary Liability Limitations Under Nevada Law Trigger Entire Fairness Review of Conversion from Delaware Due to Controlling...

Venable LLP on

The Delaware Court of Chancery, in Palkon v. Maffei, et al., C.A. No. 2023-0449-JTL (Del. Ch. Feb. 20, 2024), determined that a reduction in the liability exposure of a fiduciary due to the conversion of a Delaware...more


King Bun Limited and Others v. Lau Man Sang, James and Others - Claim No. BVIHC (COM) 2017/086

Conyers on

Nov 2023 In August 2021, the BVI Commercial Court handed down judgment on liability in favour of the Claimants against seven directors of Vanway for carrying out a fraud on the minority shareholders, in selling the assets of...more

Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP

Driving Between the Lines: As a Private Company Majority Owner, What Are the Rules for Dealing with Minority Business Partners

The one who has the gold often makes all the rules, but the majority owner of a private company who has minority partners in the business does not have complete freedom, because majority owners owe duties that apply to their...more

Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP

Post-Trial Oracle Ruling Provides a Roadmap for Navigating Transactions With an Influential Fiduciary on Both Sides of the Deal

The mere potential for a prominent, highly respected officer, director and minority holder to influence a board’s decision to approve a deal where the minority holder sits on both sides is insufficient to confer controller...more

Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP

The Minority Shareholder’s Arrows Are Still Sharp in the Quiver: Claims Available to Oppressed Minority Shareholders under Texas...

The seven-year anniversary of the Texas Supreme Court’s decision in Ritchie v. Rupee has come and gone, and the court’s holding from 2014 remains the law: Minority shareholders in Texas private companies do not have a cause...more

Buckingham, Doolittle & Burroughs, LLC

Rights of Minority Shareholders in a Closely-Held Corporation

What is a Close Corporation? Under Ohio law, a “close corporation” is defined as a corporation with a relatively small number of shareholders, whose shares are generally not traded on national securities exchanges or...more

Winstead PC

Heavy is the Head That Wears the Crown: Overcoming Legal & Business Challenges Faced by Majority Owners of Texas Limited Liability...

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The majority owners of private Texas limited liability companies (LLC’s) enjoy a mixed blessing when they also manage their companies. Majority owners have the power to direct their private companies as they deem fit, but...more

Holland & Hart LLP

Minority Shareholders Are Fiduciaries Too

Holland & Hart LLP on

Often, a closely-held company comprises a large portion of a person’s wealth. In some instances, the company initially generated much of the person’s wealth. And in others, the company is formed as a vehicle to pass wealth...more

Smith Anderson

Tyranny of the Minority: North Carolina Business Court Explores Potential Fiduciary Duties of Minority Shareholders

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The North Carolina Business Court recently issued an opinion considering whether a minority shareholder can ever be considered a “controlling shareholder” who owes a fiduciary duty to other shareholders. The court’s opinion...more

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