News & Analysis as of

Muldrow v City of St Louis Affirmative Action

Mintz - Employment Viewpoints

SCOTUS Takes Up Reverse Discrimination Framework Under Title VII

The U.S. Supreme Court recently granted cert in a hotly contested case addressing the standards of proof applicable to reverse discrimination claims under Title VII. The case comes on the heels of the court’s decision last...more

Davis Wright Tremaine LLP

SCOTUS Takes Up Another Case With DEI Implications

Last week, the Supreme Court accepted review of Ames v. Ohio Department of Youth Services. The court will address a circuit split regarding the standard courts apply in discrimination claims brought by majority group...more

Jackson Lewis P.C.

EEOC VC Samuels’ Keynote at Workplace Horizons Addresses PWFA, AI, Muldrow & More

Jackson Lewis P.C. on

Jocelyn Samuels was designated by President Joe Biden as Vice Chair of EEOC on January 20, 2021. She joined the EEOC as a Commissioner on October 14, 2020, and on July 14, 2021, was confirmed for a second term ending in 2026....more

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