News & Analysis as of

Municipal Bonds Disclosure Requirements

Procopio, Cory, Hargreaves & Savitch LLP

Charter School Bonds Under Scrutiny

SEC to Charter Schools: Avoid these risks when you engage your financing team - If you’ve financed a school facility – or you’re thinking about it – the SEC is watching (out for) you and the financing team you hire. They’ve...more

Pullman & Comley, LLC

What All Municipal Bond Issuers Should Know About Cybersecurity Risk Disclosure in 2024

Pullman & Comley, LLC on

SEC’s View of Disclosure Obligations Over the last fifteen years, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has increased its focus on inadequate disclosure relating to governmental debt issues. Although municipal bond...more

McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC

Bond Issue Fundamentals: A Guide to the Participants and the Process - Updated

A bond issue (a debt obligation of a local government) is often perceived as a mystery for many Pennsylvania local government officials and solicitors. The securities and tax regulations governing municipal bonds have grown...more

Foster Garvey PC

Upcoming Changes to EMMA User Accounts

Foster Garvey PC on

The Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (“MSRB”) is implementing changes to login accounts for its Electronic Municipal Market Access System (“EMMA”) that may affect issuers and other obligors making continuing disclosure...more

Bowditch & Dewey

[Webinar] Full Disclosure – Tips, Tricks and Traps for the Unwary in Navigating Public Finance Disclosure Obligations: Part I –...

Bowditch & Dewey on

Given the increasing SEC scrutiny on disclosure practices in municipal finance, governmental issuers and conduit borrowers [e.g., 501(c)(3) corporations] are taking a fresh look at their disclosure policies and procedures,...more

Ballard Spahr LLP

Municipal Securities Regulation and Enforcement: 2022 Year in Review and Look Ahead

Ballard Spahr LLP on

As is widely known, the new issue market slowed down in 2022 due to a variety of factors, including rising interest rates, reduced institutional demand resulting from municipal bond fund outflows, inflation and recession...more

Keating Muething & Klekamp PLL

Recent SEC Enforcement Actions Highlight Continuing Disclosure Obligations of Municipal Bond Underwriters

On September 13, 2022 the Securities and Exchange Commission filed litigation against four separate municipal securities underwriters for failing to comply with municipal bond offering disclosure requirements. The four firms...more

Ballard Spahr LLP

SEC Brings First Charges Against Muni Market Underwriters Alleging Failure to Meet Requirements for Limited Offering Disclosure...

Ballard Spahr LLP on

Summary - The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) recently announced enforcement proceedings against four municipal market underwriters for alleged violations of municipal bond disclosure requirements. Three of the...more

Ballard Spahr LLP

Municipal Bond Market Impact of the SEC's Mutual Fund ESG Proposals

Ballard Spahr LLP on

Summary - Two pending proposals could significantly affect how mutual and other funds approach their ESG investments in municipal bonds. If adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, the proposals could result in...more

Adler Pollock & Sheehan P.C.

Navigating the Disclosure Labyrinth in Municipal Finance: A Practical Approach

One of the primary purposes of the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) is to ensure that the investing public obtains accurate, timely and comprehensive information with respect to publicly-traded securities. The...more

Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP

The SEC's Proposed New Cybersecurity Disclosure Requirements for Public Companies: What Do They Mean for Municipal Issuers and...

Governmental entities have increasingly experienced cybersecurity incidents impacting their operations and finances over the last few years, with some breaches costing upwards of $40 million. Many issuers and borrowers of...more

Pullman & Comley, LLC

Increased Investor & Rating Agency Interest in Cybersecurity and Climate Change Disclosure in Municipal Bond Issuances

Pullman & Comley, LLC on

The topics of Cybersecurity and Climate Change disclosure are generating increased investor and rating agency interest in municipal bond issuances. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has expressed concerns about the...more

Adler Pollock & Sheehan P.C.

The ABCs of ESG: Practical Considerations for Environmental, Social and Governance Disclosure in Municipal Finance

In order to make an informed investment decision as to the purchase of municipal bonds, the latest trend is for investors to evaluate environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) factors relative to the bond issuers in...more

Dorsey & Whitney LLP

SEC Enforcement: The Fourth Quarter of 2020

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The fourth quarter of calendar year 2020 continued trends evidenced in the third quarter of the year, although far fewer cases were initiated. There were actions brought in a number of key areas such as offering fraud cases,...more

Morgan Lewis

CFTC Subcommittee Issues ‘First of Its Kind’ Climate Risk Report

Morgan Lewis on

A recent report from the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission encourages financial regulators to consider the risks climate change poses to the US financial system and includes recommendations for addressing these risks....more

Butler Snow LLP

COVID-19 and Secondary Market Disclosure

Butler Snow LLP on

Our thoughts are with you, your loved ones and organizations as we all navigate this public health crisis together. We are providing this alert to our public finance clients and other professionals regarding COVID-19 and its...more

Ballard Spahr LLP

COVID-19 Outbreak Creates Disclosure and Due Diligence Challenges

Ballard Spahr LLP on

Disclosure to municipal bond investors of material risks stemming from the coronavirus outbreak presents a serious concern in the municipal securities industry. This is particularly true in certain sectors, including bonds...more

Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP

Nutter Bank Report: June 2019

Federal Banking Agencies Expand Eligibility to Use Streamlined Call Reports - The federal banking agencies have adopted a final rule to reduce regulatory reporting requirements for certain banks with total assets of less...more

Butler Snow LLP

A Brief Guide to the 2018 Amendments to Continuing Disclosure Requirements

Butler Snow LLP on

Introduction - Over the past several years, local government issuers have increasingly been privately placing bonds and other municipal debt obligations directly with banks or other purchasers rather than utilizing an...more

Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP

Disclosure Obligations of Issuers of Municipal Securities

Orrick has published a Second Edition of our booklet titled "Disclosure Obligations of Issuers of Municipal Securities." In addition to updating for certain new S.E.C. Rules, the Second Edition contains a new chapter...more

Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP

NABL Bond Attorneys' Workshop - Notes and Impressions

On September 26-28 the National Association of Bond Lawyers held an annual gathering called the Bond Attorneys' Workshop, which consisted of a series of subject-specific meetings discussing topics in municipal finance. Most...more

Foley & Lardner LLP

SEC Adds Two New Events to Rule 15c2-12: Could Have Far-Reaching Impact on Issuers and Obligors of Municipal Securities

Foley & Lardner LLP on

On August 20, 2018, the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) issued Release No. 34-83885 (the “Release”) adding two new events (the “New Events”) to the list of events that must be included in the continuing disclosure...more

Dorsey & Whitney LLP

SEC Adopts Rule Amendments to Improve Municipal Securities Disclosure

Dorsey & Whitney LLP on

On August 20, in response to the recent trend of issuers and obligated persons increasingly using direct purchases of municipal securities and direct loans (“bank placements”) as alternatives to public offerings, the...more

Clark Hill PLC

Increased Disclosure Obligations Aimed at Greater Transparency in Municipal Securities Market

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On August 15, 2018, the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") created new disclosure obligations for borrowers that issue debt through the municipal bond market. ...more

Harris Beach Murtha PLLC

SEC Approves Amendments to Disclosure Rules for Municipal Securities

On August 20, 2018, the SEC approved amendments to Exchange Act Rule 15c2-12 – first proposed in March 2017 – which are intended to better inform investors about the current financial condition of state and local issuers of...more

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