AD Nauseam: A Different Type of Imposter Syndrome
Ad Law Tool Kit Show – Episode 6 – Mitigating Class Action Exposure
AD Nauseam: NAD and Why Can’t We Be Friends
AD Nauseam: Looking in the Crystal Ball: AD Nauseum Predictions and Resolutions for 2024
AD Nauseam: Cabbage Soup v. Keto Diet: The Evolving FTC and NAD Approach to Post-Holiday Weight Loss Claims
AD Nauseam: A Very Special AD Nauseam – Back to School
December Monthly Minute | The National Advertising Division (NAD)
5 Key Takeaways | Nuts and Bolts of NAD Proceedings
Plaintiff Says Splenda 100% Natural Ad Claims Leave a Bitter Taste - A class action lawsuit accuses the makers of Splenda Naturals Stevia, a sugar alternative, of misleading consumers with the claim that the product is...more
With a Little Nudge from the FTC—NAD Able To Take a Closer Look at "Smarter Reviews" Advertising - Following a referral to the FTC, a "review" site suspected of improperly making advertising claims that look like editorial...more
FTC Warns Influencers That Disclosures Miss the Sweet Spot - The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) continues to be very clear that policing the failure to disclose material connections by influencers when posting social media...more