News & Analysis as of

NAD Green Guides Class Action

Davis Wright Tremaine LLP

Stay ADvised: 2024, Issue 5

Huggies Diaper Evidence Not a Good "Fit" for #1 Claim, NAD Says - Huggies claimed its diapers were the #1 Best Fitting, a broad claim requiring broad evidence against the market—evidence that the National Advertising...more

Venable LLP

[Webinar] Going Green? An Update on the Legal and Regulatory Environment Surrounding Environmental Advertising Claims - December...

Venable LLP on

Environmental advertising claims remain a hot area of regulator action, with the Federal Trade Commission in the process of updating the FTC Green Guides. State legislatures like California’s also remain active in the area,...more

Davis Wright Tremaine LLP

Stay ADvised: Brand Protection & Advertising Law News - August 2023 - 2

Kardashian Kopycat? Energy Drink Company Claims Competitor Stole Kim's Copyrighted Look - The Instagram posts look nearly identical, in a blink-and-you'll-miss-the-difference kind of way—or so says the complaint filed by...more

Proskauer - Advertising Law

As Challenges to Recycling Claims Rise, Use Caution When Giving the “Green” Light

NPR and PBS recently released an attention-grabbing investigation titled “How Big Oil Misled The Public Into Believing Plastic Would Be Recycled.” According to the investigation, beginning in the late 1980s, “big oil” began...more

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