AD Nauseam: A Different Type of Imposter Syndrome
Ad Law Tool Kit Show – Episode 6 – Mitigating Class Action Exposure
AD Nauseam: NAD and Why Can’t We Be Friends
AD Nauseam: Looking in the Crystal Ball: AD Nauseum Predictions and Resolutions for 2024
AD Nauseam: Cabbage Soup v. Keto Diet: The Evolving FTC and NAD Approach to Post-Holiday Weight Loss Claims
AD Nauseam: A Very Special AD Nauseam – Back to School
December Monthly Minute | The National Advertising Division (NAD)
5 Key Takeaways | Nuts and Bolts of NAD Proceedings
At the National Advising Division (NAD), competitors will sometimes go for the brass ring, the big prize, the whole enchilada, and ask the NAD to recommend that an advertiser’s trademarked slogan or even the brand name be...more
Huggies Diaper Evidence Not a Good "Fit" for #1 Claim, NAD Says - Huggies claimed its diapers were the #1 Best Fitting, a broad claim requiring broad evidence against the market—evidence that the National Advertising...more
2nd Circuit Affirms Something's Off With Plaintiffs' Suit Against Nature's Bounty for its Fish Oil Claims - The Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit refused to revive a class action lawsuit alleging that Nature's Bounty...more
Last week, we blogged about an environmental ESG NAD challenge brought by an advocacy group; this week features a blog about an animal welfare ESG NAD challenge also brought by an advocacy group. The challenge was...more
Now that 2020 is in the rearview mirror (*collective sigh of relief*), we wanted to share our perspective on notable decisions and trends from this past year at the National Advertising Division and the advertising...more
Mommy’s Bliss Baby Cold Treatment Claims in Time Out - Johnson & Johnson challenges numerous product lines before NAD - Rival Johnson & Johnson (J&J) prevails over Mommy’s Bliss....more