AD Nauseam: A Different Type of Imposter Syndrome
Ad Law Tool Kit Show – Episode 6 – Mitigating Class Action Exposure
AD Nauseam: NAD and Why Can’t We Be Friends
AD Nauseam: Looking in the Crystal Ball: AD Nauseum Predictions and Resolutions for 2024
AD Nauseam: Cabbage Soup v. Keto Diet: The Evolving FTC and NAD Approach to Post-Holiday Weight Loss Claims
AD Nauseam: A Very Special AD Nauseam – Back to School
December Monthly Minute | The National Advertising Division (NAD)
5 Key Takeaways | Nuts and Bolts of NAD Proceedings
Last week, we posted about an NAD decision that provides some helpful guidance for advertisers who want to use the word “clean” to describe their products. One day later, a New York federal court issued a decision in another...more
This past week, the internet lit up over whether it was okay for President Biden and the First Lady to order the same dish at the Red Hen. In this issue, we invite you to read the February highlights on clean labeling false...more