AD Nauseam: A Different Type of Imposter Syndrome
Ad Law Tool Kit Show – Episode 6 – Mitigating Class Action Exposure
AD Nauseam: NAD and Why Can’t We Be Friends
AD Nauseam: Looking in the Crystal Ball: AD Nauseum Predictions and Resolutions for 2024
AD Nauseam: Cabbage Soup v. Keto Diet: The Evolving FTC and NAD Approach to Post-Holiday Weight Loss Claims
AD Nauseam: A Very Special AD Nauseam – Back to School
December Monthly Minute | The National Advertising Division (NAD)
5 Key Takeaways | Nuts and Bolts of NAD Proceedings
When it comes to mitigating the risk of class action lawsuits, the best offense is a good defense. Companies can take many steps to reduce their exposure to class action litigation before it happens, including the tactics...more
Don’t Look Dumb, Dude; You Sound Dumb - Is this one of those pyramid things? Hell, yeah, it is. If it wasn’t, I wouldn’t be doing it. Do I look dumb enough to go get a job again? Well... According to a recent...more