Consumer Finance Monitor Podcast Episode: Should Congress Create a New Federal Charter for Non-Bank Payments Companies?
In the absence of modern charters and licenses, payments companies and other fintechs—both established financial services providers and new market entrants—must generally obtain 50+ money transmitter and possibly other state...more
The New York Department of Financial Services (DFS) has filed its opening brief with the Second Circuit in the OCC’s appeal from the district court’s final judgment in DFS’s lawsuit challenging the OCC’s issuance of special...more
The Situation: The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency ("OCC") has appealed a decision from the Southern District of New York that concluded that the OCC lacks the authority to grant "Fintech Charters" to nondepository...more
There have been a handful of recent marketplace lending developments that indicate that the legal uncertainties in the post-Madden world are not going away anytime soon....more
Many have believed that the national bank “fintech charter” is an ideal solution to providing marketplace consumer loans on a 50-state basis. ...more
In this episode, John ReVeal discusses the background of OCC special purpose charter for FinTechs, including authority and scope. The episode also addresses the concerns and requirements for most FinTechs, including the...more
The Comptroller of the Currency (“OCC”) presented a White Paper in December 2016 on Exploring Special Purpose National Bank Charters for Fintech Companies (“White Paper”). Comptroller Tom Curry noted that he had asked the OCC...more
In his remarks at the LendIt Conference in New York, Comptroller of the Currency Tom Curry discussed the special purpose national bank charters to be granted by the OCC to fintech companies and addressed the various...more
The New York State Department of Financial Services (NYDFS) has come out strongly against an Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) proposal to grant national bank charters to financial technology (fintech)...more
The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency ("OCC") announced on December 20, 2016 that it is adopting a final rule to implement provisions of the National Bank Act that provide the legal framework for receiverships for...more