News & Analysis as of

Natural Disasters Flood Insurance Disaster Aid

Baker Donelson

Understanding Disaster Appropriations

Baker Donelson on

The ever-increasing cost of disasters and Congress' reliance on 11th-hour continuing resolutions (CRs) often result in a storm of questions regarding disaster appropriations. This disaster recovery brief explains some of the...more

Harris Beach Murtha PLLC

Congress Approves $19 Billion Disaster Package, Including Flood Insurance

Grab your umbrellas...we're going on a rainy recap! (But there's some brighter news ahead.)...more

Carlton Fields

National Flood Insurance Program Is Relieved Of $16 Billion Debt

Carlton Fields on

On October 26, 2017, President Donald Trump signed H.R. 2266, a disaster relief bill. Pursuant to section 308 of the bill, the Department of the Treasury will forgive $16 billion in debt owed by FEMA under the National Flood...more

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