News & Analysis as of

Natural Disasters Supply Chain

Husch Blackwell LLP

Captive Insurer Update: Contingent Business Interruption Claims, Reinsurance, and the Southern California Wildfires

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Captive insurers can offer enhanced control over coverage, claims, and premiums; however, they also face specific challenges when dealing with large-scale coverage events that have highly uncertain scopes, particularly when...more


7 Strategies to Overcome Supply Chain Disruptions: Mitigate Risk While Enhancing Resilience and Adaptability

Ankura on

Supply chain disruption and persistent inflation remain critical issues in the global economy, with ongoing geopolitical tensions, the evolution of digital threats, and increasing emphasis on sustainability reshaping the...more

Jones Day

What About Your Suppliers? Insuring Against Climate Risks to Your Supply Chain

Jones Day on

More than 20 storms—11 of which will become hurricanes, and 5 of which will become Category 3 or greater hurricanes. That's one prediction for the Atlantic hurricane season. Not to worry, you say. Your operations are located...more


Risk Awareness and Mitigation in Disaster Recovery: During a Catastrophe

StoneTurn on

In 2022, the United States experienced 18 separate weather and climate disasters costing at least one billion dollars according to NOAA. In 2023, that number rose to 28 separate billion dollar weather events. The frequency...more

Gould + Ratner LLP

2024 Construction Outlook

Gould + Ratner LLP on

Throughout the past few years, the construction industry has been plagued with myriad issues, including supply chain constraints, labor shortages and material procurement problems, among others. Although some issues subsided...more

Akerman LLP

Construction: The Race for Scarce Materials and Skilled Labor Post Hurricane Ian

Akerman LLP on

Hurricane Ian will likely be remembered as one of the largest and costliest natural disasters to hit Florida in history. Commercial buildings, infrastructure and residences throughout the state were destroyed and are in...more


How to Create a Lean - Yet Secure - Supply Chain in Today’s Uncertain World

Ankura on

A recent survey found that 87% of supply chain professionals plan to invest in resilience in the near future, which is no surprise given the amount of global events which have shocked supply chains recently. Political...more

Akerman LLP

Tips for Responding to a Notice of Construction Delay Arising From a Hurricane

Akerman LLP on

Hurricane Ian’s unprecedented size and strength is taking a major toll on the state of Florida and other areas in the southeast United States, which is likely to cause impacts to the construction industry. Akerman attorneys...more

Opportune LLP

Rethinking Global Supply Chain Resiliency & Efficiency

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Patrick Long and Steve Roberts, both Directors in Opportune LLP’s Process & Technology practice, discuss why current supply chain disruptions appear to be more pronounced than in years past due to supply/demand imbalances and...more

Lowenstein Sandler LLP

Insurance Recovery After Severe Weather

Lowenstein Sandler LLP on

While the 2021 hurricane season is not officially over yet, catastrophic weather events including Hurricanes Ida, Henri and Nicholas have already caused substantial damage, bringing record-breaking rainfall and flooding....more

Jones Day

FERC, NERC Outline Proposed New Reliability Standards Following the February Winter Storm

Jones Day on

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's ("FERC") Office of Electric Reliability and Enforcement and the North American Electric Reliability Corporation ("NERC") staff presented a series of findings and preliminary...more

Holland & Knight LLP

Jones Act Waivers Following Natural Disasters

Holland & Knight LLP on

While the United States continues to assess the full scope of the devastating aftermath of Hurricane Ida on the U.S. Gulf Coast, national media have already reported shortages of oil and fuel supplies, as well as food and...more

Jones Day

FERC Approves New Cold Weather Reliability Standards

Jones Day on

On August 24, 2021, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC") approved new cold weather electric reliability standards proposed by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation ("NERC"). The standards will apply...more

ArentFox Schiff

Managing Risk: Supply Chain Disruptions and Market Price Volatility in the Construction Industry

ArentFox Schiff on

Following a challenging year due to the worldwide impact of COVID-19 and natural disasters, industry experts and economists are forecasting growth in the construction industry. Paused projects have re-started, restrictions...more

Vinson & Elkins LLP

Force Majeure In Emerging Markets: Mitigating Risk For Construction And Energy Investors

Vinson & Elkins LLP on

Although emerging markets offer a wealth of investment opportunities, political instability and government responses to adverse events present risks for foreign investors. This article considers key dispute risks related to...more

Proskauer - Minding Your Business

Beyond Essential Goods and Services: Price Gouging Laws Being Applied to a Wide Range of Products

The majority of price gouging laws have been activated throughout the country for over a year now, but reports of price gouging continue, along with enforcement and lawsuits. While many are aware that price gouging...more

Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP

Texas Winter Storms: Evaluating Business Interruption Claims Following a Large-Scale Disaster

Responding to the Texas Winter Storm Crisis: Issue 2—Winter storms and wide-area events like the one that recently devastated Texas leave behind challenging questions about business interruption insurance coverage. ...more

Hicks Johnson

A Perfect Storm: How Will Contracts Be Impacted by Conditions in Texas?

Hicks Johnson on

Arctic cold and historic snowfall this February have caused substantial disruption nationwide, in particular in the state of Texas. Widespread, record low temperatures, combined with unprecedented demand on the power supply,...more

Proskauer Rose LLP

Price Gouging Weekly Round Up - November 2020 #2

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Price gouging enforcement and litigation is front and center for company counsel and business managers nationwide. Our weekly round up highlights some of the most relevant news and information to our clients and friends....more

Proskauer Rose LLP

Price Gouging Weekly Round Up - November 2020

Proskauer Rose LLP on

Price gouging enforcement and litigation is front and center for company counsel and business managers nationwide. Our weekly round up highlights some of the most relevant news and information to our clients and friends....more

Foley & Lardner LLP

Global Supply Chain Disruption and Future Strategies

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That question, as we brace for the continuing effects of COVID-19, is at the top of executives’ minds. And yet each vision seems to beget more questions: about alternative supply chain models and contract terms, about...more

Proskauer - Minding Your Business

State Price Gouging Laws and Price Controls: A Historical View on a Questionable Objective

Price gouging laws have become more relevant than ever, but a historical review reveals that price gouging laws may be a historically recent, and misguided development. It was not until 1979 that New York State enacted the...more

Foley & Lardner LLP

Force Majeure Best Practices – Hurricane Florence Edition

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The threat presented by Hurricane Florence has forced government officials to order South Carolina residents to evacuate hurricane zones. The mandatory evacuation and closure of many businesses and schools in the area has...more

Foley & Lardner LLP

Supply Chain Disruptions Reportedly Increased by 30 Percent Last Year

Foley & Lardner LLP on

According to a report by JLT Specialty, the automotive industry “was the most disrupted sector in 2017” with an increase in supply chain disruptions by 30 percent over 2016. The JLT report identified the top five supply chain...more

Blank Rome LLP

Insurance Can Reduce the Financial Repercussions to Your Supply Chain of Superstorms, Wildfires, Climate Change, and Global...

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Many companies in today’s global economy are dependent upon the efficient and disruption-free operation of their multinational supply chains. Unfortunately, such supply chains are vulnerable to numerous physical and...more

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