News & Analysis as of

Net Operating Losses

Smith Anderson

2025 DOR Request for Legislative Changes

Smith Anderson on

The Department of Revenue (the “Department”) recently released two documents containing its “substantive” and “clarifying” requests for legislative changes to North Carolina’s revenue laws. Most of the requests include...more

Foodman CPAs & Advisors

Pass-Through Entities are Under Scrutiny by IRS

Foodman CPAs & Advisors on

On 10/22/24, the IRS announced that is has officially commenced operations of the newly established pass-through field operations unit within its Large Business and International (LB&I) division, which was announced last...more


Indemnity Clauses, Claims & Controversies

Whiteford on

Indemnification is a key component in virtually every M&A deal, serving as a detailed and nuanced contractual risk allocation device between the Buyer and Seller. Though drafted in a two-way fashion, indemnity operates in the...more

Tannenbaum Helpern Syracuse & Hirschtritt LLP

Borrower’s Approach to The Real Estate Mortgage Loan Workout

Many owners of commercial properties across the country encumbered by mortgage debt are still struggling to navigate the distressed real estate market, primarily due to their inability to pay current debt service resulting...more


Constructs in Industry Loss Cat Bonds

Walkers on

Catastrophe bonds using industry-loss triggers have become increasingly popular among ILS investors and cedant sponsors. Industry loss catastrophe bonds pose less adverse selection risk from the point of view of...more


California NOL Suspension and Business Tax Credit Limitation 2024–2026

WilmerHale on

On June 27, 2024, California enacted budget trailer legislation that contains significant tax changes (Senate Bill 167) and is likely to impact most California taxpayers....more

Holland & Knight LLP

IRS Rules 3 Utilities Cannot Reduce NOL Carryforwards for Tax Allocation Payments

Holland & Knight LLP on

Following the initial public release of private letter ruling (PLR) 20242002 as part of a state rate proceeding, on June 28, 2024, the IRS publicly released that ruling, as well as two companion rulings obtained by other...more

Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati

California Senate and Assembly Budget Agreement Includes Temporary Suspension on Use of California NOLs and Limitations on Use of...

On May 10, 2024, California Governor Gavin Newsom released a revised budget for 2024-2025 that includes, among other changes, a temporary suspension on the use of net operating losses (NOLs) for businesses with California...more

Holland & Knight LLP

IRS Rules Utility's NOL Carryforward Cannot Be Reduced by Tax Allocation Payments

Holland & Knight LLP on

The IRS recently issued private letter ruling (PLR) 107770-22 that involved a normalization issue of first impression, namely, whether payments received by a utility pursuant to an intercompany tax allocation agreement (TAA)...more

Snell & Wilmer

Protecting Net Operating Losses and Monitoring Stockholder Accumulation

Snell & Wilmer on

It is not uncommon for a corporation to have net operating losses ("NOLs") that may be carried forward from year-to-year, and may be used to offset the corporation’s taxable income in future years. A corporation’s ability to...more

Dechert LLP

Droit Social | Sélection de jurisprudence – France | Second semestre 2023

Dechert LLP on

Cette newsletter présente cinq décisions de jurisprudence rendues au cours des derniers mois : Motif économique de licenciement : les pertes d’exploitation doivent avoir un caractère sérieux et durable (Cass. soc., 18...more

Dechert LLP

Employment Case Law Selection - France | Second Semester of 2023

Dechert LLP on

This newsletter summarizes five significant judicial decisions over recent months: Economic grounds for redundancy: operating losses must be serious and lasting (Cass. soc., 18 October 2023, n°22-18.852 F-B) After...more

Paul Hastings LLP

Recent Rulings from Delaware Chancery Favorable to Companies in Shareholder Activism Context

Paul Hastings LLP on

Two recent rulings from the Delaware Court of Chancery relating to matters that arose in shareholder activism campaigns were favorable to companies. In Paragon Technologies, Inc. v. Terence J. Cryan, et al. (November 30,...more

Venable LLP

Delaware Court of Chancery Denies Preliminary Injunction Motion to Mandate a Stockholder's Nominees Stand for Election and Require...

Venable LLP on

The Delaware Court of Chancery has denied a preliminary, mandatory injunction motion to compel Ocean Power Technologies, Inc. ("Ocean Power") to permit one of its stockholders' nominees to stand for election at the next...more

Paul Hastings LLP

Public Company Update: Glass Lewis Releases Updated Guidelines for 2024 Proxy Season

Paul Hastings LLP on

On November 16, 2023, proxy advisory firm Glass Lewis released its 2024 Proxy Voting Policy Guidelines. The new guidelines apply to shareholder meetings occurring after January 1, 2024. Unsurprisingly, many of Glass Lewis’s...more

Holland & Knight LLP

Public Utility Commission Rules Taxpayer Entitled to Collect Tax Expense, Notwithstanding NOLs

Holland & Knight LLP on

A Missouri regulated public utility had net operating losses (NOLs) not attributable to accelerated depreciation, so the normalization rules did not apply. The Missouri Public Service Commission (MPSC) confirmed that tax...more

Rivkin Radler LLP

Debtor Corp’s S Election: “Property” in Bankruptcy?

Rivkin Radler LLP on

Uncertain Future- The Congressional Budget Office (“CBO”) recently released some data for the federal government’s 2023 fiscal year. According to the CBO, the federal budget deficit for the year was $1.7 trillion, or...more

Ward and Smith, P.A.

Purchases and Sales of an Incorporated Business: Asset Acquisitions and Stock Sales

Ward and Smith, P.A. on

There are two primary ways to structure the taxable purchase and sale of an incorporated business.  The parties may engage in an asset acquisition, in which the buyer purchases assets directly from the target corporation....more

Rivkin Radler LLP

ESBTs and the Carryover of S Corporation Losses

Rivkin Radler LLP on

Since 1995 to the present, the LLC has emerged as the entity of choice for the vast majority of entrepreneurs. This form of business entity owes its success to the flexibility and to the tax benefits that it affords its...more

Morrison & Foerster LLP

Protecting Tax Assets – Considering an NOL Rights Plan - UPDATED

A corporation’s net operating losses (NOLs)are important assets that can be used to reduce future taxable income. But certain changes in a corporation’s ownership can significantly reduce the value of those NOLs....more

Rivkin Radler LLP

Partnership Losses But No Outside Basis? Too Bad

Rivkin Radler LLP on

Losses Weren’t Always Bad- Most tax advisers are aware that, prior to the Tax Reform Act of 1986 (the “TRA”),[i] the Code placed few limitations on the ability of an individual taxpayer to use deductions from a particular...more

Dechert LLP

Sélection de jurisprudence – France / Premier semestre 2023

Dechert LLP on

Cette newsletter présente quatre décisions de jurisprudence rendues au cours des derniers mois : Renouvellement de la période d’essai : utilisation d’un faisceau d’indice pour qualifier le consentement (Cass. soc., 25...more

Dechert LLP

Case Law Selection - France / First Semester 2023

Dechert LLP on

This newsletter summarizes four significant judicial decisions over recent months: Renewal of the probationary period: using a set of indicators to qualify consent (Cass. soc., 25 January 2023, n°21-13.699)...more

McDermott Will & Emery

As Minnesota Moves Toward GILTI Taxation, New Jersey May Be Moving Away from It

McDermott Will & Emery on

We previously reported that the Minnesota Legislature was considering imposing mandatory worldwide combined reporting through an omnibus tax bill. Subsequent to our report and in the face of numerous criticisms, Minnesota...more

Eversheds Sutherland (US) LLP

A dash of SALT on the deal: Key takeaways from TEI's 2023 M&A Seminar

State and local tax (SALT) issues may arise from mergers, acquisitions, or dispositions. Eversheds Sutherland Partner Todd Betor presented on Unique State Tax Issues at Tax Executives Institute’s 2023 Mergers & Acquisitions...more

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