News & Analysis as of

New Regulations Pending Legislation

Falcon Rappaport & Berkman LLP

New York City Council Hearing Addresses Operation Padlock and New Regulations Targeting Unlicensed Cannabis Retailers

Recently, the Committee on Finance of the New York City Council held a hearing to discuss the City’s ongoing enforcement efforts targeting unlicensed retailers selling cannabis and other similarly regulated products through...more

Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP

Focus on Forgiveness: The Latest Paycheck Protection Program Regulatory Developments

The SBA has continued its wave of regulations and guidance as PPP borrowers begin to apply for loan forgiveness. New regulations address nuanced, but important, issues such as “owner-employee” compensation and the...more

Saul Ewing LLP

Update Regarding Regulations And Legislation

Saul Ewing LLP on

This blog shall provide a brief summary of the status of the pending lawsuit related to the New Regulations issued by USCIS and effective November 21, 2019, as well as a status report on pending legislation....more


Iowa Residential Landlords - A 2017 Review and 2018 Preview

Dentons on

Overall, 2017 was a decent year in terms of new legislation and case law for Iowa landlords. The Iowa Legislature passed two favorable pieces of legislation, and two decisions by the Iowa Supreme Court contained certain...more

Bennett Jones LLP

Ontario Becomes First Province to Introduce Cannabis Legislation

Bennett Jones LLP on

On November 1, 2017, Ontario became the first province in Canada to introduce legislation related to cannabis, a month after announcing its comprehensive cannabis plan. The province introduced Bill 174, which enacts three new...more


New Mexico Senate Passes Bill Allowing Automatic Substitution of Interchangeable Biologics

Goodwin on

Last week, the New Mexico Senate passed a bill that would amend New Mexico’s existing automatic substitution law for small molecule drugs to allow “a pharmacist to dispense any one of the … interchangeable biological products...more

Allen Matkins

California Environmental Law & Policy Update - July 2016

Allen Matkins on

Environmental and Policy Focus - South Coast AQMD plan would fight smog mainly through incentives, not rules - Los Angeles Times - Jun 30 - The South Coast Air Quality Management District's draft Air Quality...more

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