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Non-Signatories Employer Liability Issues Employment Litigation

CDF Labor Law LLP

Good News for Employers: California Enforces Arbitration Agreement In Favor of Non-Signatory Related Entities

CDF Labor Law LLP on

Frequently, employment arbitration agreements are written with the intent to apply to future disputes between an employee, the employer and the employer’s parent and sister companies....more

Seyfarth Shaw LLP

Arbitration Agreement Enforceable By Non-Signatory Alleged Joint-Employers

Seyfarth Shaw LLP on

Employees who sign an arbitration agreement with one company cannot avoid arbitration with related defendant-companies by arguing they were not parties to the agreement. The California Court of Appeal held that claims against...more

Lewitt Hackman

Beyond the Contract: Non-Signatories to an Arbitration Agreement Can Compel Arbitration

Lewitt Hackman on

Departing from the ruling in Soltero v. Precise Distribution earlier this year, the California Court of Appeal in the Second District in Gonzalez v. Nowhere Beverly Hills LLC, created a split of authority regarding an alleged...more

Proskauer - California Employment Law

IATSE Signatory Was Employer Responsible For Payment Of Unpaid Wages

Mattei v. Corporate Mgmt. Solutions, Inc., 2020 WL 3970367 (Cal. Ct. App. 2020) - Alyosha Mattei and three other lighting technicians, all members of Local 728 of the IATSE trade union, worked on the production of a...more

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