Nuevos vientos para la energía eólica en Colombia, la apuesta Offshore
On-Demand Webinar | Charting a Course for Offshore Wind Energy in California
Recent Developments in the Offshore Wind Energy Industry with Special Guest Jennifer Simon Lento of Vineyard Wind
The California Independent System Operator’s board on May 23 approved a $6.1 billion, 10-year transmission plan that includes projects to deliver offshore wind to customers. Transmission projects to access clean energy...more
The California Independent System Operator (CAISO) is proposing $6.1 billion in transmission projects, primarily to help deliver offshore wind to customers, according to a draft transmission plan released on April 1....more
President Joe Biden announced Monday a $1.3 billion federal investment to build three new interstate power lines in an effort to upgrade the nation’s outdated electric grid and transition to clean energy....more