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On-Sale Bar Life Sciences Patent Applications

Axinn, Veltrop & Harkrider LLP

Over-Sweetening the Pot? When Selling a Product Bars Patenting the Manufacturing Process Under the AIA

The America Invents Act ("AIA") bars a person from obtaining a patent when the “claimed invention” had been “on sale” more than one year before the filing date of the patent. 35 U.S.C. § 102(a)(1). Acesulfame potassium...more

Quarles & Brady LLP

Junker v. Medical Components, Inc.: Pre-filing Offers for Sale Trigger Patent “On-Sale Bar”

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A recent Federal Circuit decision, Junker v. Med. Components, Inc., No. 2021-1649 (Feb. 10, 2022), serves as a warning to prospective filers that making pre-filing offers for sale, or engaging in discussions for future sales,...more

McDermott Will & Emery

Federal Circuit Signals Deference to Inventors in Determining Readiness for Patenting, Experimental Use

Addressing pre-America Invents Act (AIA) 35 USC § 102(b), the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit held that the public-use and on-sale bars did not apply to the claimed surgical method because pre-critical-date...more

Dechert LLP

Surgeries Conducted More Than a Year Before Patenting Found Not to Bar Patent on Surgical Method

Dechert LLP on

In an important decision impacting life sciences patentees, a divided panel of the Federal Circuit in Barry v. Medtronic, Inc., Appeal No. 2017-2463 (Fed. Cir. January 24, 2019), affirmed a jury’s finding that a doctor was...more

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