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Opt-In Consent Cookie Banners

Womble Bond Dickinson

The Cookies that May Bite Back

Womble Bond Dickinson on

Would you like some milk with those website cookies? We know the common privacy joke. However, website cookies and online tracking technologies (collectively, “cookies”) are increasingly no joking manner as they can create...more


What industries utilize cookie banners the most, and the least?


The term “cookie banner” refers to a banner, or splash page, deployed on a website to inform visitors that the website uses cookies.  Most cookie banners fall within three categories...more


What percentage of websites deploy a “deemed consent” cookie banner?


11.6%  The term “cookie banner” refers to a banner or splash page deployed on a website to inform visitors that the website uses cookies.  Most cookie banners fall within three categories...more


What percentage of websites utilize a banner that seeks opt-in consent before deploying cookies?


10.6% The term “cookie banner” refers to a banner or splash page deployed on a website to inform visitors that the website uses cookies. Most cookie banners fall within three categories...more

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