News & Analysis as of

Outsourcing Cybersecurity Data Protection

Morgan Lewis - Tech & Sourcing

Outsourcing and Technology 2025: Key Takeaways

On January 8, 2025, partners Doneld Shelkey, Mike Pierides, and Marina Aronchik presented an Outsourcing and Technology 2025 webinar as part of the Morgan Lewis Tech & Sourcing Webinar Series: Data 2025....more


Cyber laws will be updated to boost UK’s resilience against online attacks


The UK government confirmed on 30 November 2022 that there will be changes to the UK’s cybersecurity regulations in response to a public consultation launched earlier this year. This follows recent updates relating to the...more

Morgan Lewis - Tech & Sourcing

From Pandemic Challenges to a Potential Recession – Are Your Outsourcing Contracts Up to Date?

The COVID-19 pandemic introduced unprecedented challenges, requiring companies to adapt quickly to the way their personnel work, changes in their business offerings, and how they interact with their customers and suppliers....more

Robins Kaplan LLP

9 Key Provisions of Outsourcing Contracts That Matter

Robins Kaplan LLP on

Outsourcing, whether technical or process-centric, has become an increasingly important component of businesses of all sizes. Handing over the complexity of ever-changing systems that require increasing expertise can often...more

Zelle  LLP

Cybersecurity: Where Does the Buck Stop?

Zelle LLP on

Over the last few months, we’ve been talking about cybersecurity issues for employers. We’ve discussed the responsibilities and risks associated with personally identifiable information and the wave of lawsuits resulting...more

Ervin Cohen & Jessup LLP

Outsourcing to the Cloud

Ervin Cohen & Jessup LLP on

As many companies turn to cloud computing as a means of increasing accessibility and saving costs, you should consider a variety of risks which require thoughtful planning before moving your data to “the cloud.” Outsourcing...more

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