News & Analysis as of

Overpayment False Claims Act (FCA)

Baker Donelson

Looking Back at 2024: Key Health Care Regulatory Legal Developments in Fraud and Abuse, Compliance, and Enforcement

Baker Donelson on

The health care regulatory space realized significant regulatory and enforcement developments in 2024 that are influencing how providers and industry stakeholders approach various compliance measures and enforcement...more

ArentFox Schiff

Investigations Newsletter: First Circuit Joins Sixth and Eighth Circuits in Adopting Heightened, But-For Causation Standard for...

ArentFox Schiff on

First Circuit Joins Sixth and Eighth Circuits in Adopting Heightened, But-For Causation Standard for AKS-Based FCA Claims - On February 18, the US Court of Appeals for the First Circuit became the latest court to agree...more

Proskauer - Health Care Law Brief

CMS Publishes Final Rule, Effective January 1, 2025, Addressing the Requirements for Reporting and Returning Overpayments

The standard for an “identified overpayment” under Medicare Parts A–D now aligns with section 1128J(d)(4)(A) of the Social Security Act, which incorporates by reference the Federal False Claim Act’s (the “FCA”) “knowledge”...more


Ep. 45 – Update Your Return of Overpayments Policy to Align With CMS Changes to the 60-day Rule

Dentons on

Providers are required by federal law to return Medicare and Medicaid overpayments within 60 days of identifying the overpayment or they can be liable under the False Claims Act. Since 2016, providers have relied on Centers...more

Mintz - Health Care Viewpoints

EnforceMintz — Medicare Advantage and Part D Programs to Remain in the Enforcement Spotlight in 2025

As government scrutiny and enforcement targeting the Medicare Advantage (Medicare Part C) program continued in 2024, the industry’s response to agency actions escalated. Last year also resulted in the first sizable Part D...more

Morgan Lewis

Tick-Tock: CMS Overpayment Refund Final Rule and Practical Implications

Morgan Lewis on

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services issued its long-anticipated final rule clarifying the 60-day overpayment refund obligation (the 60-Day Rule) first established in a 2016 regulation for Medicare Part A and B...more


Navigating New Medicare Overpayment Rules and Practical Tips to Comply

Whiteford on

On November 1, 2024, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) finalized the Medicare regulations interpreting the federal 60-day overpayment refund requirement (the Overpayment Statute) for Medicare Parts A and B as...more

Baker Donelson

2025 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule: Payment and Overpayment Policies

Baker Donelson on

On December 9, 2024, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' (CMS's) Calendar Year 2025 Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule (the Final Rule) was published in the Federal Register. The Final Rule includes noteworthy...more


Watch the Clock! CMS Makes Important Changes to Medicare Overpayment Rules

Goodwin on

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently made meaningful changes to its regulations interpreting the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA’s) so-called “60-day Rule,” which requires Medicare providers to affirmatively...more

Davis Wright Tremaine LLP

CMS Finalizes Changes to the Medicare Parts A and B Overpayment Rule

In the Calendar Year 2025 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) finalized changes to the Medicare Parts A and B Overpayment Rule that were proposed in two prior rulemakings. This...more

Robinson+Cole Health Law Diagnosis

CMS Finalizes Standard for Identifying Overpayments and Grace Period for Investigations of Related Overpayments

As part of its 2025 Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule (PFS Rule), the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) finalized two crucial updates to federal Medicare overpayments regulations (sometimes referred to as the...more

Holland & Knight LLP

Final Medicare Overpayment Rules a Mixed Bag for Providers

Holland & Knight LLP on

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released highly anticipated updates this month to the Medicare regulations interpreting the federal 60-day overpayment refund requirement (the Overpayment Statute). The...more

Foley & Lardner LLP

Medicare Overpayments: CMS Issues Final Regulations Implementing Changes to 60-day Refund Rule

Foley & Lardner LLP on

On Friday, November 1, 2024, the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued the display copy of the final rule interpreting the 60-day Refund Rule for Medicare Parts A/B (Traditional Medicare) and C/D (Medicare...more

Morrison & Foerster LLP

True Facts About False Claims: MoFo's FCA Newsletter - October 2024

Morrison & Foerster LLP on

Designed for busy in-house counsel and compliance professionals, this newsletter seeks to bring you up to speed on key federal and state False Claims Act (FCA) developments, with links to primary resources. Each quarter, we...more

McCarter & English, LLP

CMS Proposes Further Changes to Medicare Overpayment Rule

McCarter & English, LLP on

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently published a proposed rule, 89 FR 61596, that revives portions of a 2022 proposal to amend the Medicare Overpayment Rule. The 2024 proposed rule comes after...more

Epstein Becker & Green

Affordable Care Act Overpayments in the CY 2025 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Proposed Rule: Implications for False Claims

Epstein Becker & Green on

Stakeholders are continuing to analyze the implications of the mammoth proposed rule on “Medicare and Medicaid Programs: [Calendar Year (CY)] 2025 Payment Policies under the Physician Fee Schedule and Other Changes to Part B...more

Proskauer - Health Care Law Brief

CMS Proposes Additional Modifications to the Overpayment Rule Relating to the Deadline for Reporting and Returning Overpayments

In the context of Medicare Advantage (“MA”) reform initiatives, we previously addressed the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (“CMS”) December 27, 2022 proposal to amend its regulations set forth at 42 C.F.R. §...more

The Volkov Law Group

Gentiva Pays $19.4 Million for False Claims Act Violations Involving Hospice Care

The Volkov Law Group on

Gentiva, the renamed former Kindred at Home, agreed to pay $19.4 million to resolve claims that its predecessor company, Kindred at Home and related companies, violated the False Claims Act by retaining overpayments for...more

Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP

CMS Proposes to Amend Overpayment Rule-Questions Remain Regarding How the Rule Will be Implemented Should CMS Adopt the False...

On July 10, 2024, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (“CMS”) issued a proposed rule (“Proposed Rule”) in which it outlined proposed amendments to the suspension provisions and deadlines for reporting and returning...more

Foley & Lardner LLP

Medicare Overpayments: CMS Proposes Regulation Establishing Six Month Suspended Deadline for 60-Day Refund Rule

Foley & Lardner LLP on

The 60-day Refund Rule, created by the 2010 Affordable Care Act, requires providers to report and return Medicare and Medicaid overpayments within 60 days of identifying them. See Section 1128J(d) of the Social Security Act,...more

Health Care Compliance Association (HCCA)

OIG: COVID-19 UIP Overpaid Providers $784M; HRSA Will Recoup Money

Hospitals and other providers should brace for recoupment of possibly hundreds of millions of dollars they were reportedly overpaid for services provided under the COVID-19 uninsured program (UIP) in the wake of new audit...more

Health Care Compliance Association (HCCA)

FCA Lawsuit Alleges Three Hospitals Were Overpaid PRF ‘High-Impact’ Money and Kept It

Report on Medicare Compliance Volume 32, no 25 (July 2023) The former chief hospital executive of Bayonne Medical Center (BMC) in New Jersey has filed a False Claims Act (FCA) lawsuit alleging the hospital and two others...more


Proposed Changes to CMS Regulations May Impact False Claims Act Liability for Medicare Overpayments

WilmerHale on

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) proposed a rule late last year that would impose standards on healthcare providers and suppliers to report and return overpayments from Medicare that mirror aspects of the...more

Steptoe & Johnson PLLC

CMS Proposes Amendment to Overpayment Rule

Steptoe & Johnson PLLC on

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has proposed a new amendment that could significantly modify the standard governing identification of overpayments by providers....more

Mintz - Health Care Viewpoints

CMS Proposed Rule for Refunding Overpayments Would Align With False Claims Act “Knowledge” Standard

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) proposed a rule late last year to harmonize the standard it would apply for providers to identify and refund overpayments with the “knowledge” standard under the False Claims...more

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