News & Analysis as of

PA Supreme Court Appeals Appellate Courts

Stevens & Lee

Taking a DIG at the Pennsylvania Supreme Court

Stevens & Lee on

Did you fall for the clickbait headline? No, this post does not take a shot at Pennsylvania’s highest court. Instead, here we consider the court’s practice of ordering some cases “dismissed as improvidently granted” or...more

Stevens & Lee

Litigator Beware! It’s Different “Over There”

Stevens & Lee on

“Over there” in this context refers to the Orphans’ Court – theoretically a “division” of the Court of Common Pleas (the trial court) in each Pennsylvania county. Orphans’ Court matters include adoptions, name changes, will...more

Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP

Itemize Damages or Waive Appeal? Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court Will Consider Whether Failure to Request an Itemized Verdict Waives...

In many personal injury cases, including products cases, the most significant exposure is pain and suffering or similar damages that cannot readily be measured in dollars. Juries are usually constrained by specific testimony...more

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