News & Analysis as of

Paid Leave Farm Workers

Jackson Lewis P.C.

A Reminder of Changes to California Workplace Law from 2024

Jackson Lewis P.C. on

As we wrap up 2024, here is a review of some of the changes to California employment law that will continue to affect employers in 2025. Legislative Changes...more


A to Z of What California Employers Need to Know for 2021

BakerHostetler on

With the new year comes new laws that affect California employers. The following are the A to Z of changes in the law that may affect your business in 2021....more

Fisher Phillips

Hot List – What’s Happening in the California Legislature 4/3-4/7

Fisher Phillips on

Our weekly California Legislature “hot list” provides you with a preview of the bills that are up (as well as other important legislative action) the following week...more

Epstein Becker & Green

New California Employment Laws for 2015 and Beyond

Epstein Becker & Green on

It is that time of year again, California. As the days grow shorter and the nights grow semi-colder (it is still California after all), a flurry of activity begins as employers revisit their policies and handbooks to assess...more

Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart,...

California Legislation 2014

California Governor Jerry Brown has signed into law a number of bills that will impact the employer community. Healthy Workplaces, Healthy Families Act of 2014—Paid Sick Leave (AB 1522) - On September 10, 2014,...more

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