Updated Leave Laws Employers Need to be Aware of for 2025
Holiday Headaches: Avoiding Legal Risks with PTO, Overtime, and Workplace Festivities
California Employment News: Brief Overview of Leave Laws All California Employers Should Be Aware Of (Podcast)
California Employment News: Brief Overview of Leave Laws All California Employers Should Be Aware Of
DOL’s Expanded Overtime Salary Limits, EEOC’s Sexual Harassment Guidance, NY’s Mandatory Paid Prenatal Leave - Employment Law This Week®
California Employment News: SB616 – Changes to Paid Sick Leave Law for 2024
(Podcast) California Employment News: SB616 – Changes to Paid Sick Leave Law for 2024
California Employment News: Navigating the SF Military Leave Pay Protection Act
#WorkforceWednesday: NLRB Issues Memo on Severance Agreement Restrictions, Illinois Rolls Out Paid Leave for Any Reason, NJ Prepares for Temporary Workers' Bill of Rights - Employment Law This Week
Navigating the Back-to-Work Transition for New Parents with Lori Mihalich-Levin, CEO of Mindful Return: On Record PR
Podcast: California Employment News - Expansion of Covid-19 Supplemental Paid Leave
California Employment News: Expansion of Covid-19 Supplemental Paid Leave
Employment Law Now VI-116-Top 10 Employment Issues To Consider For The Summer Kick-Off
Updates to New York Quarantine Rules and Their Impact on COVID-19 Paid Leave - Complimentary Webinar
Update and Discussion on Practical and Legal Issues - NYS Paid Sick Leave, NYC Employment Law Update, New Whistleblower Law, COVID19
Labor & Employment Symposium - Topics: Remote Work; Handling Leaves of Absence; Vaccination Incentives Under Wellness Programs
Inside DC Podcast: FY2022 Budget Recap and the DC Council’s Fall Agenda
#WorkforceWednesday: CDC Guidance Fallout and Employment Legislation in Congress - Employment Law This Week®
COVID-19 Vaccine News - Employment Law This Week® - #WorkforceWednesday
The following paper aims to succinctly address the question "Under what circumstances is an employee entitled to paid leave?” This guide offers an overview of legal aspects of paid leave in the requisite jurisdictions....more
New York, Minnesota and NLRB Act To Limit Noncompetes - New York Legislature Passes Bill To Ban Post-Employment Noncompetes - On June 20, 2023, the New York state Legislature passed a bill that bans post-employment...more
This fall and winter season, employers in Germany have several developments in German employment law to put on their radars, including optional bonus pay due to the spike in energy costs; workplace safety and health...more
Paid annual leave days in Germany have been the subject of several recent decisions by the European Court of Justice (ECJ), with the Luxembourg-based judges regularly opposing previous case law of the Federal Labor Court...more
Auswirkungen einer CORONA-Infektion auf Entgeltansprüche - 1. ENTSCHEIDUNG DES LAG DÜSSELDORF - Mit Urteil vom 15. Oktober 2021 hat das LAG Düsseldorf (Az.: 7 Sa 857/21) ebenso wie die Vorinstanz die Klage einer...more
Every player interested or already active in the German market needs to have a working knowledge of the key principles of German employment law which offers a good level of protection to employees. This is especially true for...more
In einem Interview gegenüber der Augsburger Allgemeinen* kündigt Arbeitsminister Heil an, dass die SARS-CoV-2-Arbeitsschutzverordnung (Corona-ArbSchV) angepasst werden soll. Hygieneregeln und Testangebotspflicht sollen...more
This guide offers an overview of legal aspects of paid leave in the requisite jurisdictions.... ...This guide describes the law in force in the requisite jurisdictions at the dates of preparation. This may be some time ago...more
The coronavirus pandemic has had an enormous impact on how businesses operate around the world. To help you navigate the different labor laws and regulations that governments have enacted during this critical time, Dechert’s...more
Erläuterungen zu Kurzarbeit und Bezug von Kurzarbeitergeld gemäß neuer Gesetzeslage in der Corona-Krise. Unter Kurzarbeit versteht man die vorübergehende Herabsetzung der Arbeitszeit bei entsprechender Minderung des...more
In this edition, we report from around Europe on some interesting case law developments that affect the way employers manage their employees. The range of issues covered shows that, despite the breadth of directives issued by...more
Das LAG Saarland mit seinem heute veröffentlichten Urteil vom 22. April 2015 – 2 Sa 103/14 – einer Arbeitnehmerin in Elternzeit einen Anspruch auf “freiwillig” gezahltes Weihnachts- und Urlaubsgeld in voller Höhe...more