News & Analysis as of

Paid Leave Medical Leave Unpaid Leave

Amundsen Davis LLC

FMLA, State-Mandated, or Employer-Sponsored Leave? New U.S. Department of Labor Guidance for Employers Tries to Answer Tricky...

Amundsen Davis LLC on

As states and cities have created new paid family and medical leave requirements for employers, the layers of overlapping regulation have left even the most seasoned employee benefits professionals and leave administrators...more

Fisher Phillips

Governor Signs Sweeping Changes to Untangle Oregon’s Jumbled Leave Laws: Key Takeaways and a 5-Step Action Plan for Employers

Fisher Phillips on

Governor Kotek signed a bill into law today harmonizing Oregon’s overlapping and confusing set of leave laws. The new framework distinguishes different types of leave events under the state’s various laws and stops those...more

Bennett Jones LLP

Contradictory Decisions: Ontario Judges on Infectious Disease Emergency Leave

Bennett Jones LLP on

Last month, we wrote about a recent decision of the Ontario Superior Court in Coutinho v Ocular Health Centre, which found that employees placed on a temporary leave under O. Reg 228/20 Infectious Disease Emergency Leave (the...more

Bricker Graydon LLP

[Webinar] Hindsight is 2020 When it Comes to COVID-19 - October 20th, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EST

Bricker Graydon LLP on

Bricker & Eckler’s annual “Hot Topics” seminar is going virtual this year! This series provides human resources professionals and in-house attorneys with insight into ongoing and emerging labor and employment issues. We...more

McCarter & English, LLP

[Webinar] Ask the Attorneys: Your Reopening, Workplace Safety, and Remote Work Questions Answered - September 15th, 1:00 pm - 2:00...

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact businesses around the country, employers face ongoing questions around reopening, workplace safety, and remote work. Our employment attorneys, Christopher Mayer, Kristy Avino, and...more


HR Law 101 Ep. 8: Handbooks and What to Include Part 3

Verrill on

Many business owners and HR professionals look for a concise and straight forward employee handbook. The truth is, there isn't just one universal handbook to put on a shelf with all you need to know. Listen to this episode of...more

Fisher Phillips

“Congratulations – Now, Back To Work!” What Employers Need To Know About The Fifth Trimester

Fisher Phillips on

Parents everywhere are familiar with the joys and trials of the three trimesters of pregnancy. The term “fourth trimester” has also gained widespread recognition, that three-month period when a baby gets used to living...more


Are You Feeling Sick? New York City Passes a New Sick Leave Law

Littler on

If at first you don't succeed, try and try again. That is what the New York City Council (the Council) has done since 2009. And after four years, the result is a controversial sick leave law, the Earned Sick Time Act (the...more

Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart,...

Denial Of Access To Donated Sick Leave Program Is Not A Failure To Accommodate, New Jersey Appellate Division Holds

In Queen v. City of Bridgeton, the Appellate Division held that an employer with no legal duty to provide paid leave does not violate the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (NJLAD) for denying an employee’s request for the...more

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