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Paid Leave Natural Disasters


A Littler Report: Operating Through Emergencies & Natural Disasters

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No matter how much advance warning is provided or experience garnered, employers and employees are often caught off guard by the devastation and uncertainty natural disasters create. Whether wildfires, hurricanes, tornadoes,...more

Perkins Coie

LA Fires: Employer Considerations in Light of the Disaster

Perkins Coie on

Companies with California operations affected by the continued devastation of the fires in the Los Angeles area should keep in mind applicable employment laws when responding to this natural disaster....more

McDermott Will & Emery

How Employers Can Aid Employees Impacted by the Los Angeles Wildfires

McDermott Will & Emery on

Over the past two weeks, wildfires have caused substantial loss and damage to homes and communities in Los Angeles, California, and the surrounding areas. In the wake of such devastation, employers may seek opportunities to...more

Proskauer - California Employment Law

Employers’ Wage and Hour FAQs: California Wildfires Edition

Wildfires continue to rage across Southern California, leveling entire neighborhoods, forcing evacuations for tens of thousands of people, and posing incredible hardship on businesses and their employees...more

Morgan Lewis

Employers Can Aid Wildfire Victims with Out-of-Pocket Expenses, Paid Leave, and Through Tax-Exempt Organizations

Morgan Lewis on

Many individuals are in desperate need of funds due to injuries, damage, and other unexpected expenses caused by the ongoing wildfires in Los Angeles. Employers can aid wildfire victims with tax-free payments, paid leave, and...more

Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart,...

IRS Provides Guidance on PTO Donation Programs to Aid Victims of Hawaii Wildfires

On September 28, 2023, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued updated guidance for employers that have adopted or are considering leave-based programs that allow employees to donate sick, vacation, or personal leave to...more

Snell & Wilmer

IRS Confirms Major Disaster Leave-Sharing Program Use for COVID-19 Pandemic

Snell & Wilmer on

On August 3, 2020, the IRS posted a short set of frequently asked questions for leave-sharing programs which confirm that major disaster leave-sharing programs under IRS Notice 2006-59 can be used for employees who have been...more

Proskauer - Law and the Workplace

Wage and Hour Considerations During Weather-Related Emergencies

As Hurricane Florence makes landfall in the Carolinas, it’s the right time to revisit employer rights and responsibilities during a weather-related emergency or other major disruption. Here are some typical scenarios that...more

Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP

Internal Revenue Service Provides Helpful Relief to Hurricane Victims

Announcement 2017-11 (Announcement) provides that a tax-qualified employer retirement plan may treat a distribution to a current or former employee covered by the Announcement as on account of hardship or an unforeseeable...more

McAfee & Taft

IRS announces special relief to help victims of Hurricane Harvey

McAfee & Taft on

Last week the IRS announced that 401(k) plans and certain similar employer-sponsored retirement plans can make loans and hardship distributions to help victims of Hurricane Harvey....more

Seyfarth Shaw LLP

IRS Allows Employees to Donate the Value of PTO for Hurricane Harvey Victims

Seyfarth Shaw LLP on

Seyfarth Synopsis: The IRS has announced a program that allows employees to donate the value of their vacation, sick time, or other paid time off (“PTO”) for the relief of victims of Hurricane or Tropical Storm Harvey. ...more

Winstead PC

Hurricane Harvey Deployment - Revisiting Leave Issues

Winstead PC on

It is important for employers to remember that important employee leave issues may arise in the wake of a natural disaster like Hurricane Harvey. Any employer may receive requests for leaves related to Hurricane Harvey and...more

Fisher Phillips

FLSA Questions After Hurricane Harvey

Fisher Phillips on

Affected employers will have a variety of wage-hour questions in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey. The number and scope of the issues raised might well be practically endless. Here we address in very general ways the federal...more

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