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Paid Leave Proposed Legislation State Labor Laws


New Year, New Laws - What New York Employers Need To Know for 2025

BakerHostetler on

The BakerHostetler Labor and Employment Practice Group keeps a close watch on new and upcoming employment and labor laws that can significantly impact our New York-based clients. Below we highlight some of the recently...more

Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP

Maryland Paid Family Leave Employer Contributions Begin This Year – What Employers Need to Know and Expect

In 2022, the Maryland General Assembly passed the Time to Care Act of 2022 (the “Act”), setting up a paid family and medical leave program for Maryland employees. Through Family and Medical Leave Insurance (“FAMLI”), eligible...more


Employment Law Update: Bill to Further Postpone Implementation of Maryland’s Paid Family Leave Statute Continues to Advance in...

Whiteford on

As covered in previous installments of the Employment Law Update, Maryland has joined a growing list of states in adopting a paid family leave program. Unlike traditional paid time off that is provided directly by an...more

Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart,...

California Bill Would Require Employers to Continue Compensation for COVID-19–Positive Employees Excluded From Workplace

On February 16, 2024, California Assembly Member Pilar Schiavo (D-40) introduced legislation (Assembly Bill (AB) 3106) that would require the California Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board to adopt a standard that...more

Fisher Phillips

Déjà Vu All Over Again: Massachusetts Bill Would Increase the Minimum Wage Even More

Fisher Phillips on

Massachusetts enacted a five-year plan in 2018 to increase the minimum wage. The plan, which resulted from a “grand bargain” between employee advocates and the business community, carried significant implications for...more

DarrowEverett LLP

2023 Employment Law Updates: Q1 Developments from Pregnancy to Polyamory

DarrowEverett LLP on

As we discussed in our annual update back in December, employers continue to see extensive developments on the labor and employment front as they progress through 2023. Aside from the minimum wage increases, pay...more

Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart,...

Minnesota Legislature Takes Up Noncompetition, Paid Family Leave, Cannabis Legalization, and Privacy Bills in 2023 Session

Minnesota’s 2023 legislative session is off to a hot start and turning out to be an important one for Minnesota employers and companies doing business in Minnesota. Currently, there are four noteworthy bills that employers...more

Fisher Phillips

April 2021: The Top 16 Labor And Employment Law Stories

Fisher Phillips on

It’s hard to keep up with all the recent changes to labor and employment law. While the law always seems to evolve at a rapid pace, there have been an unprecedented number of changes for the past few years—and this past month...more

Fisher Phillips

February 2021: The Top 17 Labor And Employment Law Stories

Fisher Phillips on

It’s hard to keep up with all the recent changes to labor and employment law. While the law always seems to evolve at a rapid pace, there have been an unprecedented number of changes for the past few years—and this past month...more

Proskauer - California Employment Law

CalChamber Releases its Annual List of “Job Killer” Bills Proposed by the California Legislature

The California Chamber of Commerce has just identified 10 recently introduced “job killer” bills that have been proposed by the California legislature. Worth noting are the following...more

Fisher Phillips

More Paid Sick Leave in Massachusetts? Bill Would Add Up to 80 Hours of Emergency Leave

Fisher Phillips on

The Massachusetts legislature is considering expanding the state’s generous paid sick leave statute to add up to 80 hours of emergency paid sick leave for use in times of a declared state of emergency or disaster. While...more

Lewitt Hackman

California 2020 Legislative Update – Settlement Agreements and Leaves of Absence

Lewitt Hackman on

Today our employer focused legislative update zeroes in on “no rehire” provisions in settlement agreements, expansion of benefits to employees who donate organs, and care for a family member...more

Proskauer - Law and the Workplace

Connecticut to Enact Generous Paid Family and Medical Leave Law

Under the Act, beginning in early 2022, employees will be eligible to receive partial pay benefits during leave taken under the existing Connecticut Family and Medical Leave Act (“CFMLA”). Covered reasons for leave under the...more

Downs Rachlin Martin PLLC

Vermont Legislative Update 05-03-2019 - An analysis from DRM's Government & Public Affairs Team

The Senate Economic Development, Housing, and General Affairs Committee plans to vote Monday on H.107, the paid family leave bill. Committee Chair Michael Sirotkin, D-Chittenden, made it clear he is looking to significantly...more

Fisher Phillips

March 2019: The Top 14 Labor And Employment Law Stories

Fisher Phillips on

It’s hard to keep up with all the recent changes to labor and employment law. While the law always seems to evolve at a rapid pace, there have been an unprecedented number of changes for the past few years—and this past month...more

Epstein Becker & Green

New Jersey Expands Paid Family Leave Laws to Cover More Employers, Double Leave Time, Increase Uses, and Raise Benefits

On February 19, 2019, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy signed into law A 3975 (“the Act”), which significantly expands the state’s various family leave and benefits laws and makes them more consistent with one another. Among...more

Fisher Phillips

Looking Ahead – California Legislature to Address Dynamex and a Host of New Employment Proposals

Fisher Phillips on

February 22 was the last day to introduce new legislative proposals for the 2019 California legislative year. A whopping 2,576 bill were introduced before the deadline, making for an extremely busy legislative year ahead....more

Jackson Walker

The Labor and Employment Horizon—2019

Jackson Walker on

If there has been one constant in employment law over the last generation, it is change. The forecast for 2019 is no different. In Congress, the Supreme Court, and the Texas Legislature, employers can expect developments that...more


WPI State of the States: Equal Pay, Paid Leave and Harassment Still Dominate

Littler on

As summer approaches, most state legislatures have closed up shop for the year. Approximately 14 states are still in session, four of which are scheduled to adjourn in or around the end of June. ...more

Fisher Phillips

First, The Good News: California Bills to Expand Paid Sick Days and Require Employers to Accommodate Medical Marijuana Fail to...

Fisher Phillips on

It’s not often that we get to report good news on this blog. But last week, two significant bills that would have imposed new requirements on California employers failed to advance past the Assembly Appropriations Committee. ...more

Seyfarth Shaw LLP

If Pain, Yes Gain—Part XLVI: New Jersey Becomes Tenth State to Pass Paid Sick Leave Law

Seyfarth Shaw LLP on

Last week, the New Jersey Senate joined the state Assembly in passing a bill that would impose statewide paid sick leave obligations on private employers and, notably, preempt all current and future municipal paid sick leave...more

Seyfarth Shaw LLP

If Pain, Yes Gain—Part XLV: New Jersey Revives Statewide Paid Sick Leave Efforts

Seyfarth Shaw LLP on

Seyfarth Synopsis: Earlier this week, the New Jersey Assembly passed a bill that would impose statewide paid sick leave obligations on private employers. ...more

Fisher Phillips

Your Comprehensive Guide to 2018 Proposed California Legislation

Fisher Phillips on

February 16 was the deadline to introduce new bills in the California Legislature. By that date, nearly 2,200 bills were introduced. While that may seem like a staggering amount of legislative proposals (especially for a...more

Fisher Phillips

November 2017: The Top 14 Labor And Employment Law Stories

Fisher Phillips on

It’s hard to keep up with all the recent changes to labor and employment law. While the law always seems to evolve at a rapid pace, there have been an unprecedented number of changes each month in 2017. November was no...more

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