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Paid Leave Workers' Compensation Claim

Fisher Phillips

Massachusetts Announces 2025 Updates to Paid Family and Medical Leave and Other Benefit Programs: 4 Steps for Employers

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The Massachusetts Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development has announced important updates to state employment benefits for 2025. The State Average Weekly Wage (SAWW) has increased modestly to $1,829.13 from...more

Fisher Phillips

8 FAQs for Colorado Employers Facing New Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance Obligations for 2023

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All Colorado employers will be subject to new paid family and medical leave insurance obligations — starting on January 1 — thanks to the Colorado Family and Medical Leave Insurance (FAMLI) program. What do Colorado employers...more

Foster Swift Collins & Smith

[Hybrid Event] What Employers Need to Prepare for in 2023 - October 12th, 9:00 am - 11:30 am ET

There is a lot that employers need to prepare and plan for in 2023. Join us at our Fall 2022 Labor & Employment Law Update which will discuss major issues and developments that your company needs to address now...more

Amundsen Davis LLC

Hiring Remote Employees in Other States? Make Sure Your Business is Compliant

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In today’s age of technology and innovation, more and more employers are hiring remote employees who live and work in a geographic location outside of where their business is located. Remote work offers advantages,...more

Nossaman LLP

On-Demand Webinar | Legislative Updates for Employers to Plan for a Successful (and Compliant) 2021

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Each month, Nossaman's complimentary Employment BUZZ webinar series covers a different topic of interest to employers, including tax, insurance, intellectual property and employment issues. These "quick hit" 30-minute...more

Nossaman LLP

[Webinar] Legislative Updates for Employers to Plan for a Successful (and Compliant) 2021 - December 15th, 10:00 am - 10:45 am PST

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Each month, Nossaman's complimentary Employment BUZZ webinar series covers a different topic of interest to employers, including tax, insurance, intellectual property and employment issues. These "quick hit" 30-minute...more

Fisher Phillips

September 2020: The Top 16 Labor And Employment Law Stories

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It’s hard to keep up with all the recent changes to labor and employment law. While the law always seems to evolve at a rapid pace, there have been an unprecedented number of changes for the past few years—and this past month...more

Carlton Fields

COVID-19 Workplace Concerns Prompt New Employer Obligations in California

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California has just enacted a slew of employment changes prompted by COVID-19, including expanded sick leave, family leave and workers’ compensation rights, as well as new employer reporting obligations, of which businesses...more

Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP

New California COVID-19 Employment Laws Require Attention

- California has implemented a broad supplemental sick leave law requiring employers with 500 or more employees (and health care employers with fewer than 500 employees) to provide their California workers with up to 80 hours...more

Payne & Fears

Three New California Bills Greatly Expand Employers' Obligations Regarding COVID-19 and Employee Leave

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On September 17, 2020 Governor Gavin Newsom signed three bills (SB 1159, AB 685, and SB 1383) expanding workers’ protections in relation to COVID-19 exposure in the workplace, and expanding the California Family Rights Act....more

Fisher Phillips

No Rest For The Weary – California Employers Face Wave Of Pending Legislation Awaiting Action From Governor Newsom

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The California legislature just closed the books on one of the most interesting sessions in the State’s history. Not only did it itself shut down completely on two different occasions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the last...more

Fisher Phillips

The California Legislature Is Back in Town! Which Pending Bills (and Executive Orders) Will Impact The Workplace?

Fisher Phillips on

After returning from its hiatus on May 4, the California legislature has wasted no time in drafting a flurry of new bills which will affect employers in the aftermath of the state’s response to COVID-19. While the state...more

Proskauer - California Employment Law

CalChamber Releases its Annual List of “Job Killer” Bills Proposed by the California Legislature

The California Chamber of Commerce has just identified 10 recently introduced “job killer” bills that have been proposed by the California legislature. Worth noting are the following...more

Ervin Cohen & Jessup LLP

COVID-19 Benefits Chart For California Employers

To assist California employers in understanding the possible application of benefits available to workers in response to the COVID-19 crisis under both state and federal law, we provide the following handy chart....more

Cranfill Sumner LLP

COVID-19: FAQs for Employers

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We are in uncharted territory. Life in America, and many other places around the world, is essentially on hold. Children are out of school, and gatherings of any sort are discouraged or cancelled outright. Hopefully, these...more

Greenberg Glusker LLP

Confronting COVID-19 in the Workplace

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Employers are faced with critical questions and important legal obligations as they address Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) matters in the workplace. While it is impossible to address all potential legal issues in a single client...more

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