DE Under 3: U.S. GAO Report on Military Spouse Employment Focused on Challenges of Part-Time Work
Primer for Nonprofits on Paid Employees, Volunteers, and Interns
After multiple rounds of rulemaking that saw more than 1,600 comments submitted by nearly 600 individuals and businesses, the Maine Department of Labor, on December 4, 2024, approved and published the final rules for Maine’s...more
Dutch law prohibits employers from paying full-time employees differently—i.e., more favorably—than part-time employees, unless the difference in pay can be objectively justified. This is not readily the case, however....more
In potentially welcome news for public institutions of higher education, in Notice 2024-73, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) confirmed that the new long-term part-time (LTPT) rules introduced by the SECURE Act and SECURE...more
The European Court of Justice recently found that a collective agreement provision on overtime pay potentially violated the prohibition of discrimination against part-time employees as well as the prohibition of...more
In November 2023, the IRS issued proposed regulations addressing the SECURE 2.0 long-term part-time (LTPT) employee eligibility requirements applicable to 401(k) plans knowing that further guidance would be needed to explain...more
We’re already halfway through the summer, and employees who haven’t done so are closing their laptops and heading to the shore to soak up some well-deserved vacation sun. Paid Time Off can be a fantastic tool for employee...more
Effective January 1, 2024, California law requires employers to provide employees at least forty (40) hours or five (5) days of Paid Sick Leave (PSL) per year, up from 24 hours/3 days in previous years....more
California employers recently got some welcome news when state regulators clarified the method by which you should apply new paid sick leave benefits to part-time employees. Without much fanfare or public announcement, the...more
If you employ part-time workers and/or engage independent contractors, sit up and take note: 2024 will bring significant changes to how you manage your workforce. The US Department of Labor’s revised Independent Contractor...more
When the original SECURE Act was passed in 2019, compliance with its new long-term part-time employee rule seemed far in the future—way out to January 1, 2024. Well, that time is nearly upon us, so sponsors of 401(k) plans...more
Geringfügige Beschäftigung bedeutet nicht geringfügige - Vergütung Mit einer aktuellen Entscheidung stärkt das BAG (Urt. v. 18. Januar 2023 – 5 AZR 108/22) die Rechte von Minijobbern und setzt das gesetzliche...more
Connecticut employers have seen a significant increase in legislation affecting their businesses over the last few years. Just to highlight a few (of the many pieces of legislation) that Connecticut has enacted...more
A recent decision by New Zealand’s Employment Court regarding an airline and its cabin crew creates broader implications for all employers with part-time workers in New Zealand. In E Tū Incorporated v Mount Cook Airline...more
Our August update includes new case law on the calculation of holiday pay for part-time workers, a tricky case on whistleblowing, two cases on the balance between gender critical views and trans discrimination, a news roundup...more
The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom has published its long-anticipated decision in Harpur Trust v Brazel confirming that paid holiday for part-year employees/workers on permanent contracts must not be pro-rated....more
On June 20, 2022, Puerto Rico’s governor approved Act 41-2022, which includes a series of amendments to Puerto Rico’s Act 4-2017, better known as the Labor Transformation and Flexibility Act (LTFA), and other employment...more
Paid holidays for non-teaching school employees are changing again. Effective June 10, 2022, Juneteenth, which is celebrated on June 19, will now be a paid holiday for non-teaching school employees who work 11 or 12 months. A...more
Employers are facing a glut of open positions and the trend is expected to continue. Foley & Lardner attorneys say the use of non-traditional employment relationships like part-time and temporary options has risen...more
On November 15, 2021, the city council of West Hollywood passed a comprehensive ordinance that implements the highest minimum wage in the country and new leave requirements for employees in the city...more
Beginning Monday, March 29, 2021, employers must begin providing California employees a new form of COVID-19 supplemental paid sick leave. The new version reaches small and large employers alike and mandates that employers...more
At the beginning of 2021, extensive changes in German employment law came into effect, including some of particular significance to employers. In addition, on January 19, 2021, the German Federal Government implemented...more
Q: An employee wants to go to a reduced schedule of 32-hours a week. The position is exempt, 40 hours. Can we simply reduce her pay by the same percentage of reduced hours?...more
If you maintain a 401(k) plan (“Plan”), Section 112 of the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act of 2019 (“SECURE Act”) imposes new rules for Plan participation by your part-time employees if they work at...more
The Situation: The Federal Government has published its highly anticipated reform package to Australia's industrial relations ("IR") framework. While less ambitious than some had expected, the Fair Work Amendment (Supporting...more
On December 12, 2019, Congress passed the “Setting Every Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act of 2019” (the “SECURE Act”). The SECURE Act included provisions regarding part-time employees that may require...more