Governor Kotek signed a bill into law today harmonizing Oregon’s overlapping and confusing set of leave laws. The new framework distinguishes different types of leave events under the state’s various laws and stops those...more
Minnesota is now the 12th state to adopt a statewide program providing compensation to employees during family and medical leaves. It also joined the over 40 state and local jurisdictions mandating employer paid sick leave....more
As of January 2022, the State of California and the State of Oregon have issued new workplace posters and updated certification forms related to various labor laws. The materials addressed below are mandatory postings for all...more
Getting ready to reopen in California and need a refresher on what makes California law “special”? Have plans to open an office/location somewhere in California and want to understand what laws apply and how they differ...more
On January 1, 2021, the California Family Rights Act (CFRA) expanded in several ways, including that small employers (those with 5 or more employees) must now provide up to 12 workweeks of CFRA leave within a 12-month period...more
Massachusetts just joined 21 other states and the District of Columbia by enacting a comprehensive pregnancy workplace law with unanimous support from the legislature, employee advocates, and the Massachusetts business...more
On Thursday, February 16, 2017, the General Assembly’s Labor and Public Employees Committee will conduct a public hearing on the following proposed bills, many of which concern “wage and hour” and leave issues (and some of...more
Maternity Leave Protection In accordance with the Maternity Protection Act of 1979 (“Maternity Protection Act”), pregnant women are prohibited from working during the last eight (8) weeks immediately prior to the presumed...more
In recently published amendments to its regulations, the California Fair Employment & Housing Council (FEHC) has clarified formerly confusing rules and brought the California Family Rights Act (CFRA) into closer parallel to...more