SCOTUS Limits Availability of Injunctions in NLRB Unfair Labor Practice Cases - Employment Law This Week®
Post-Injunction Enforcement — Highway to NIL Podcast
The NCAA's Response to the NIL Recruitment Injunction — Highway to NIL Podcast
NIL Recruitment Injunction — Highway to NIL Podcast
Injunctions for All – Speaking of Litigation Podcast
Podcast: The Briefing by the IP Law Blog - Jack Nicklaus Companies Landed Hole-In-One With Court’s Recent Injunction
The Briefing by the IP Law Blog: Jack Nicklaus Companies Landed Hole-In-One With Court’s Recent Injunction
#WorkforceWednesday: Employee Privacy and COVID-19, CMS Vaccine Mandate on Hold, Independent Contractor Classification - Employment Law This Week®
Bar Exam Toolbox Podcast Episode 86: Tackling a California Bar Exam Essay: Remedies
#WorkforceWednesday: Component 2 Pay Data Shutdown, CDC Coronavirus Guidance, and California Employers Fight Back - Employment Law This Week®
E18: ICANN Loses First GDPR Court Ruling in Germany
The Court concluded that the FTC exceeded its statutory authority in promulgating the Rule, which prohibits new non-compete agreements and releases most workers from existing restrictions. Opinion at 6, 19. The FTC...more
On April 23, 2024, the Federal Trade Commission (the “FTC”) issued a rule banning most post-employment non-competition agreements (the “FTC Rule”). Since its promulgation, the FTC Rule has been subject to legal challenges....more