In a recent case, the California Court of Appeal held that a contractor could foreclose a mechanic's lien, over the project owner's objection, even though the contractor had not provided a preliminary notice of lien to the...more
The Federal Circuit recently held that the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) was within its discretion to reach different conclusions in a Final Written Decision (FWD) than those provided in preliminary guidance regarding...more
Keypoint: During the CPPA’s hearing on February 17, 2022, Executive Director Ashkan Soltani provided an update on the CPRA rulemaking process, which is now expected to close in the third or fourth quarter of 2022....more
In December 2020, the Utah Court of Appeals found that, because a contractor’s preliminary notice contained the statutorily required information, although in unconventional order, the notice was valid. In Zion Village...more
You’re a landowner in Utah, and fail to get a payment bond for commercial work a contractor is doing on your property, and the value of the work exceeds $50,000. To protect lien rights, contractors working on your property...more
New legislation (SB 1304) is amending A.R.S. § 33-992.01 (governing “preliminary twenty-day notices”) to increase the “lien reach” of Arizona 20-day Preliminary Notices to 30% (up from the 20% we’ve known for decades). This...more